Best trained infantries (Top 5-10)


Junior Member
The rest were dug into the soil. Foolish Iraqis think they are capable of anything without foreign support.


Junior Member
Issa and Brother of Snake are argueing, well. I gotta add to this.

We destroyed most of their military in a month, therefore we are better.

Source? I personally think Iranian are better trained than Iraqi, so... Iranian infantries could some how give the American INVADERS a hard time. (Yea invader, your shame bullying small countries) <--- Thats true mates.


Junior Member
Well said, Liberator.

Iranians are always well-received on Indian, Chinese, and Russian military forums. I like that.


Junior Member
Iranians are always well-received on Indian, Chinese, and Russian military forums. I like that.


Now, in Iraq, whose Iraqi and still fighting Americans? Soldiers? Militias?


Junior Member
I don't think they qualify as militias. Most of them are no larger than 50 men. There are hundreds of such groups. Combined, they are FAR from a cohesive force. And the United States can't contain them! And They think they can defeat the most powerful Army in the Middle East?
Iraq had a better air force after the Iraq-Iran war.

That is pure BS. And no they did not recieve ANY new Mig-29s after the war. The had 33 Mig-29s at the time of the first Gulf War, and 4 flew to Iran, while 5 was shot down.


Banned Idiot
most people dont know much about the modern vietnam military. all we know is they fought like hell and killed american ass in vietnam. they are insanly brave, some tryed taking on an f-4 with an ak.