Best trained infantries (Top 5-10)


Junior Member
North Vietnamese pilots were damn good, too. They flew their MiG-17s within close range of American F-4s (thus keeping the Phantom pilot from using his missiles) and took them out with guns! This was why the Yanks would later equip the Phantom with a 30mm cannon.


Junior Member
The calibre of the bloody thing doesn't matter. The fact that the change was made shows how truly nifty the North Vietnamese pilots were. Not to mention, North Vietnamese SAM kill ratio during that war was the highest of any other nation during any other conflict.


Bow Seat
VIP Professional
what SAM and aircraft have in common with infantry training... we are sliding off-topic I think...


Junior Member
most people dont know much about the modern vietnam military. all we know is they fought like hell and killed american ass in vietnam. they are insanly brave, some tryed taking on an f-4 with an ak.

And on a American made war movie, 1 US private can take out 12 VC or NVA and then stab a few with dagger and die with honor by nading himself with 5 NVAs.


Senior Member
VIP Professional
Dude, if you equip DPRK soldier w/ US equipment, you have just helped Seoul! Sure the KPA is witty, but they are malnutritioned! I would not expect too much of them to be able to carry such a pack.

This one is for Rommel:
i'm sorry to live in a french-speaking zone but can you tell me what the US school system starting by the elementary please.
In the US, we have 5 years of elementary school, 3 years of middle school, and 4 years of high school, giving 12 years of basic education. You cannot receive a high school diploma, however, if you do not pass the exit exam, at least for California.

My list(No specific order):
RC infantry.
UK infantry
PLA, Cat A
(Well, all commonwealth infantries I guess.)
French infantry
German infantry
Indian infantry


Bow Seat
VIP Professional
sumdud said:
In the US, we have 5 years of elementary school, 3 years of middle school, and 4 years of high school, giving 12 years of basic education. You cannot receive a high school diploma, however, if you do not pass the exit exam, at least for California.

Thank Sumdum, okay, it's because, in the Province of Quebec, our educational system is little bit different, depending on the school for the elementary, we have 6 or 7 years, for the high school it's the same for everyone, 5 years, after we got a 2 or 3 year that we called it CEGEP (it's a kind of preparation course for university), and after CEGEP it's the university.


Banned Idiot
u.s army and marines!??? whaen asked for a comparison of the training of soldiers, most people would say the u.s due to their better equipment and more active role. but when you break it down to training, even nk is stricter than the U.s