Australian Military News, Reports, Data, etc.

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Tyrant King
The Australian Naval needs are different form Japan and there systems are also different although it's likely that the end product they order will externally resemble Soryu It will be customized and Tailored to Australia's needs. It's range, Communications, weapons and total specifications will be that of a totally new class.


In addition to all of this...I doubt that an off the shelf Soryu will be in the cards.

The Australians will work with the Japanese to ensure a couple of things I believe:

1) That whatever their specific requirements may be are designed into the new build boats.
2) That the Australians will seek to have their version of the Soryu boats built in Australia.

I believe Japan is anxious to deal and take a place at the arms export table. I believe they will work out something acceptable to both sides.

Item 1 is a given. Item 2 will likely be some kind of hybrid arrangement in my view because of the significant domestic pressure to retain some degree of ship building activities to protect local jobs. I think ongoing maintenance and upgrade will be localised. Maybe we will see external build and local assembly as a compromise. It is potentially a good deal for Australia - at least financially given the terrible alternative.


Lieutenant General
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Not necessarily.. while I agree that Australia is HUGE and surrounded by large bodies of water, their submarine force will be used mainly as a defensive tool and will operate primarily on the East end of the Indian Ocean, southern Pacific, the Coral Sea, South China seas and the waters near the Indo archipelago.

Unless of course the Kiwis have some odious plans to mount a large sea invasion of Australia that I am not aware of ;)

-sweats nervously-

-hurriedly pulls wrapping over highly modified war wakas-

It would be nice if Australia would open the contest to other bidders, but I think Soryus are the favourite because of their large size (among the biggest mass produced SSKs in any navy), and for geopolitical reasons. But if they aren't able to produce them in australia and lack transfer of technology, I can't see the opposition sitting quietly over this.


Junior Member
but I think Soryus are the favourite because of their large size (among the biggest mass produced SSKs in any navy), and for geopolitical reasons.

There is some open source info as to why the Soryus have gained preference amongst Aust Def planners and politicians. The two reasons you give are not necessarily it.


Lieutenant General
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There is some open source info as to why the Soryus have gained preference amongst Aust Def planners and politicians. The two reasons you give are not necessarily it.

What are they then? I'm not very up to date on aus defence procurement, at least not this deal.


Lieutenant General
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Interesting read, and as always GFs words worth heeding.

Hard to make sense of their final call, are they saying it is primarily performance based?


Junior Member
Interesting read, and as always GFs words worth heeding.

Hard to make sense of their final call, are they saying it is primarily performance based?

The Government?

Nothing has been set in stone yet.

I'm of the belief we'll see a curve ball or two before a final decision is made. It's unfortunately becoming a political football much like the Collins. Mistakes of the past not being heeded.
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