Japan's car industry is based on exports, China's car industry can't rely on exports. Although you can try to optimize for both pedestrian and driver friendly, past a certain point there needs to be compromises. This is the same reason why US cities are based on freeways, due to a strong auto industry.
Chinese cities are built around rail.
Driving sucks in cities and can't be changed even with 10000 freeways because there's no parking space.
US has 8 parking spaces per car, China has 0.8. this is a hard limit because there is simply not enough land in Chinese cities to build cost effective parking lots. Nobody likes driving if you spend half the time looking for parking.
The only way to make China car dependent is to rip up all recently developed rail that was built at the cost of billions and is brand new, bulldoze billions worth of brand new skyscrapers, deport millions of people away from cities, and use that space to build parking. An objectively insane policy that is worse than the Cultural Revolution and GLF combined.