in response to
- at the mid range (100 or so km), I'm completely at loss while thinking about anti-shipping fire:
the railgun fire would need to be corrected, I guess by observing the splashes, by
a drone with an EOTS or something, flying over the horizon, but if you're still with me,
you can tell me why they wouldn't just shoot an AShM instead and did a mid-course
correction since supposedly there would the drone in place, communicating??
At the mid-range it would be the current model with precision-guided munition that can be programed to hit a coordinate through either GPS or laser guidance.
well this July I spent a part of my holiday time on updating my imagination of naval warfare from
what I read in the past which was LOL 1986? "Modern Naval Warfare" by Miller & Miller and 1992 "Soviet Naval Tactics" by Vego;
from what I figured, now highest-end surface combatants should be able to track a surface target at let's say 100 km distance through
, so an AShM could be in-flight-corrected from the ship EDIT up to to the point when the seeker in the missile sets on, of course
not sure if the same would be done for a railgun projectile; if I naively approximated its trajectory by an equilateral triangle with the side of 100 km (LOL kinda cool to shoot at 60 degrees of elevation), and naively averaged its speed to be M5, I'd get the time of flight of almost two minutes; if the target ship sprinted at 30 knots, in the meantime she'd move by about one mile, so I'm bluffing an IR seeker would be needed in the shell (?!)
it's an interesting thought what the target ship should do if under such bombardment (I repeat I talk shelling by a railgun from 100 km away) ... if I had been the skipper, I would've been zigzagging vigorously