The Mobile Offshore BAse Ddiscussion has been moved to the Ask Anything Thread.
It is OT on the PLAN Carrier Thread.
...and I might add.
The idea that carriers are somehow increasingly obsolete and outdsated flies in the face of the planning of every major naval power on earth at the moment.
The people driving the US Navy, the UK, the French, the Chinese, the Russians, the INdians, the Japanese, the Koreans, Brazil, and pretty much any major nation that can afford them continue to seek to design aircraft carriers for their power projection needs for the forseeable future.
There people are not foolish and they are not simply "caught up in the times."
They are privy to the state of technologies for the next projected 50 years and they see the aircraft carrier as the answer throughout that time frame.
The idea that they are either too vulnerable to attack, or too expensive to lose flies in the face of historical fact.
40 aircraft carriers were sunk in World War II due to enemy action...and it was clear very early in the war that they were the capitol ships, yet they continued building them and using them as the principle power projection tool throughout the war. The same is occurring today/.