This is a joke, Sam is a professional bullshitter , he has nothing left, all show
if he had anything real he wouldnt need to do the 12 days of horse and pony shows
Anthropic CEO had the same show a few months back. Wrote a 15k word light novel about how ethical AI has so much promise and how it could solve all the world's problems. Suffice to say you don't do that unless you're in deep trouble and desperate to convince ppl to lend you money.I missed that letter, do you have a link? From what I've read, Claude is doing pretty well. I prefer ChatGPT, but Claude is pretty good.
Basically promising an AI-created utopia, cure to cancer, stop Alzheimer's, infinite lifespan, end of world hunger, solve climate change, overthrow all authoritarian regimes, all in next 12 months, to whoever invests in his company.
Good cop Anthropic (utopianists) and bad cop OpenAI (Doomers).
Except with all the trouble OpenAI is having even maintaining core product services (gpt is down right now) it's obvious to any business that they're unreliable and your own cluster + open source is the way to go. Imagine an unexplained oopsies from Sam and your entire customer service or devteam becomes non-functional.
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