Yes: the fact that Americans can even make the choice to live in streets in tents is yet another testament to the mass affluence enjoyed by all Americans that are not: old, young, retired, students, pregnant, immigrants, ill, disabled, mentally challenged, clinically dead. The level of mass abundance available to Americans today means that Americans do not even need jobs to enjoy unprecedented levels of discretionary consumption and financial stability. Even the homeless in San Francisco can consume premium luxury food at 6-star soup kitchens and live in tent cities that have been growing in sq. ft over the past few decades. The degree of innovation in pharmaceutical production is such that even the homeless can engage in discretionary consumption of pharmaceutical products, not because they need to, but because they choose to. America has such an overabundance of goods of all types that the homeless can even enter into super markets in San Francisco and take up to $999.99 of goods without needing to pay for them. The fact of the matter is, ever increasing numbers of Americans are choosing to become homeless not because they have to, but because they can afford to.