If we are arguing over whether the most extreme individual prices have doubled in an out of sample period with unusually high inflation, this effectively concedes that most prices did not double during a period of unusually low inflation.
You're the one who asked to have that argument. Your stupidity caused you issue a challenge to anyone who could find anything that doubled in price in 10 years. Is that not what you did?
Thus, 7% inflation annually is clearly wrong.
Nothing here shows it.
It means the authors forgot to subtract by 1 lol.
LOLOL No, it means YOU don't know what a 168% increase means. The authors didn't forget anything or do anything wrong. You made the mistake, not them. If they subtracted by 1, (I assume you mean to turn 168% into 68%), then they would truly be wrong.
And your article points to the McDonalds price hike as being the largest price hike. So thus, if the most extreme case is doubling between 2014-2024, the average case didn’t see prices double between 2014-2024 (which included an unusually inflationary period).
268X is far more than doubling, which, somehow, you are STILL unable to comprehend. Calling MacDonald's the biggest offender means nothing; it means that of the few restaurants that they surveyed. It is NOT the most extreme case of everything sold in the US.
So if annualized inflation in the most extreme case wasn’t 7% annualized, how could that be the average case? It can’t,
Because 168% is far more than double; it's nearly triple.
ShadowStats is wrong about inflation.
You're wrong about math, and then even more wrong by attempting to cast blame on others for something that was undeniably due to your own incompetence. If I ever made a mistake anywhere near the magnitude of claiming that a 168% increase is less than doubling, I would never talk again.
See actual prices of Big Macs -
What wasn't actual about the Yahoo article I posted? You asked for one thing and I gave you more. I didn't ask you to give me one thing back that didn't double because unlike you, I'm not stupid enough to think that that serves as proof for anything. A Big Mac isn't a MacDouble Sandwich or fries, which my article showed. You issued a challenge; I exceeded it. You cannot excape from this truth.
Except you don't know what a 168% increase means so how would you know anything related to charts or math?
Houses are not created and destroyed in the same year. A lot of new housing stock is to replace older housing stock (built many decades ago) and thus the average square footage of US housing has increased since housing construction decades ago involved much smaller homes, notwithstanding any developments this decade.
The average size home in the US has not increased since 2011. That's a chart. What you just provided is word diarrhea that means nothing.
on't have access; you'll need to post a picture.
Yes. This was in an inflation context so the expected subtext was that the goods or services were identical. Otherwise, it’s not inflation you are measuring.
MacDouble Sanwich - 168% increase - identical
Medium Fried - 138% increase - identical
Single family home - 113% increase - indentical in size from 2011 to 2023
In order for ShadowStats to be correct, you would need for the average case that prices doubled between 2010-2020.
So show with data that it isn't. Can you? Doesn't look like it.
Yet even the most extreme cases don’t even meet that standard (even if you relax some of the timing considerations to be more inflationary).
The 168% increase is 68% higher than that standard and it's the most extreme case out of like 10 restaurants. No one claims it is anywhere near the most extreme of all things in the US.
You are always wrong, incompetent, incapable, and unrepentently American in your failed attempts to cover your cringe-inducing mistakes.