American Economics Thread


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I'm not sure if you are saying that his thinking is the problem of the US or if he's summarizing the problem with the US but to me, it's clear that this type of thinking is causing American decline. Homelessness and poverty in the US is absolutely the result of personal failure and only personal failure. People who blame the system for everything that's bad in their lives make excuses not to work hard and pull their share in society. The correct attitude is that if someone can succeed by working hard in this system then so can I. American social services offers ample oppertunities for the homeless and poor to put themselves together but the problem is that they refuse to do the work because they think that if the rich can sit on their asses and get rich off of invesment then, their lives should be no different. As a matter of fact, today's American youth think that working without getting paid top end salary or keeping all the profits to themselves is being a chump so to make sure no boss gets rich off of thier work, they'd rather take a welfare check and complain instead.

I saw some meme the other day that goes along the lines of this:

Having a Rolex is not impressive if it tells you when your lunch break is over.
Having a 2 week vacation is not freedom if the rest of the year, you are trapped at your job.
Having a job is not security if you can be fired and replaced without hesitation.

And all there was just so much support for this meme. I thought this perfectly sums up the rot in America's youth. They want to own expensive things afforded by a job with an unlimited, unregulated schedule in which they can't be fired cus they got their boss by the balls. Absolutely fucking delerious. I mean, it's possible to have that kind of life but you better have worked so hard in your youth that you're like the only surgeon in the country who can put a brain back into a skull or the only computer engineer who can design the next generation quantum chip or something. These kids want to be given that life without ever doing anything worth a shit.
Wait till you get a loaf of this new phenomenon: Cash for Keys. Paying delinquent and squatting tenants from your own house to leave. The comments on this Tiktok video are so overwhelmingly pro TENANT ABUSE that it's boggles my mind. They came up with the line that says: Renting out a house is an INVESTMENT RISKS so if you didn't want to pay out then you should not be in the business of renting out a property you can't afford!! WTF!!

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A Chinese woman found out how useless Canadian law was getting scammed by her tenant.

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People who don’t live in the US probably don’t understand how screwed up the situation is. It is not just the dumbass pot smoking delinquents who are in trouble. We are talking Ivy League graduates with immaculate GPA, developers with two decades under their belt, and hard working people on the cusp of retirement who are finding themselves screwed over in this job market. Many of them go from earning six figs to shopping at good will to homelessness within half a year or even shorter. Are those people all stupid/entitled or fiscally irresponsible?
I can't say I agree with the MAGA crowd or their solutions, but the situation of declining standards of living for them and much of the working class and now middle class population is real in the USA. Sure, if you are in the top 10% things can be pretty rosy as long as you got your job but as @siegecrossbow noted, in the USA capital (i.e., shareholders and the ownership class) are king and they have been out to screw workers for several generations since the great depression, WW2 and possibility of communist revolutions forced them to make concessions to share the wealth with workers. Well, they didn't like it, and have been sucking most of the wealth for decades now, with a slight gain in worker fortunes during covid which they are again trying to reverse. The reality is that no matter how skilled or high your salary, as long as you are working for your income and not living off assets, you are at risk unless you really built up a large safety cushion like liquid investments and/or estates. And even if you did all that, depending on your situation you are one bad health care scenario from wiping away a good chunk of it. Unfortunately, many Americans have been brainwished into thinking they are not workers but one turn away from striking it big, and there just temporarily embarrassed millionaires. Sadly, it may take a economic meltdown to get people to change their mindsets.

The US system is far from the dynamic capitalism it is portrayed as, while pockets of that exist much of the system is now concentrated into parasitic rent extraction across industries resulting in a semi feudal system, where the elected representatives only serve the interests of the elites (i.e., ownership class), since their votes and fundraising matter more than the bulk of the population. This is actually terrible from an economic standpoint as it robs vitality and opportunity from many, while giving to those who wouldn't even know what to do with it (hello trust fund kids). The US definitely needs a revolution to kick some sense into the elites, but Trump and co. are definitely not the ones qualified to do so (Bernie Sanders comes to mind). If you look at polls on what kinds of policies Americans across all party lines support (min. wage hikes, paid leave, higher minimum wage, etc) they aren't the ones being enacted federally or in most states. The irony is that the US dug the grave for the Soviets when they could show that living standards and material abundance was plentiful under capitalism forcing the Soviets to appease their population to do the same. Now, if another country (cough China) can establish and market a way to ensure a vibrant market based society that creates wealth for all instead of a few would really shake US elites to their core and really force positive change for the broader population.


I don't believe that in large numbers, humans make decisions differently on average. The difference is in the government. 1% of the population can fail due to personal responsibility but when its 10%, 20%, 50%, then it is a systemic issue.
50% maybe but 10%?? Have you ever seen American social services? There is a very large difference in how different people make decisions. I've a friend who works there and he says his job is essentially useless because he provides oppertunity after oppertunity for homeless people to get back on their feet and they just end up saying ok but never coming to work. America has more than 10% of these people in their population for sure and I'm not going to get too specific on who they are to stay within the guidelines of SDF. What more do you think the US government owes these people? Please answer that.
It's just like in Qing Dynasty, was it that 30% of China got hooked on opium because Chinese are naturally personally irresponsible and love drugs or is it because the government lost a war and was forced to allow drug dealers to push opium on Chinese people?
The Chinese people of that time were irresponsible much like how Americans today are. The similarity is that they were both coming from a society that was too used to decadence; when in decline, things fell apart. Still, personal responsibility is the root of all things good and bad. China was able to rise back up from ashes because of people with tremendous personal responsibility started the CCP and imparted hope and personal responsibility to the Chinese people. Personal responsibility is the spark of all things good.
It is the official position of the Chinese government that US homelessness crisis is a social problem, not a personal responsibility problem:
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This is them shitting on their opponents; they get nothing out of shitting on poor American people.
It is also the official position of the Chinese government that economic inequality is a social problem in China, not a personal responsibility problem.
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This may actually be true in some circumstances. In the circumstances where it's true, it is because China is rising out of poverty so lots of families and kids who had hopes of excellence didn't have oppertunity. Now that the government is able to supply them with oppertunity, they rise and that is China's story. Which is very different from America's which is giving basically everything to anyone willing to work to get up but they refuse. You can argue that the government failed to impart a culture of excellent work ethic but instead created one of entitlement, but you're asking too much of the US government. They got the basics down; they got beyond that and actually provide excellent material support as well, but they're not magical and they didn't connect properly with their people on a spiritual level, which is basically the most difficult and highest level of governing. You're asking too much; if a people need to be spoonfed everything to succeed, they don't deserve to.

Where it's not true in China and it is a personal responsibility problem lies in the new kids whose parents have given them everything but they think life is all gaming and taking more from their parents. That's not a government issue but a personal and familial education issue.
Unofficial poll on Zhihu: 1000+ reply post. I read the first few carefully, then scrolled the rest. Not a single one said that poverty was a personal problem.

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Most Chinese people think of the poor Chinese masses of the last few decades striving to achieve more but hindered by the limits of the Chinese past so I can understand them. But if they are looking at America's situation, and 1,000 people all say it's the government's job to make you a good citizen, then China is in a very dangerous situation where any mistake higher up could cause total collapse with everyone taking no responsibility for their own lives whatsoever. I don't think this is the case; I think it's the former.
The Chinese government made tackling inequality a core policy.
That's because poverty was China's biggest shackle; giving oppertunities to a billion people will inevitably be China's rise. This is not true in America.
US uses personal responsibility. This is the result:
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The amount of per capita resources in the US is far higher than in China. At that point, it comes down to personal responsibility.

The difference between China and the US is that Chinese people just need an oppertunity like a drained car battery needs a jump to start up and drive and continue to charge itself up. At this point, it's on the government to get everyone that jump, that little push to spark up and grow. Americans are like a car battery that's been charging for 8 hours on a speed charger and it still won't work. That's just broken.

In the end, when I see impoverished people in China, I think these people just need a little help and they can make it big; I see potential in all of their faces. When I see impoverished people in the US, I see rotten drunk drug addicts and alcoholics that can't be helped.
People who don’t live in the US probably don’t understand how screwed up the situation is.
I live here; I don't think it's that screwed up but it's a country that is used to good easy times, ruling the world effortlessly and now that country and its entitled people are being told they need to work hard for what they take. It's a shock and lots of people aren't taking it well.
It is not just the dumbass pot smoking delinquents who are in trouble. We are talking Ivy League graduates with immaculate GPA, developers with two decades under their belt, and hard working people on the cusp of retirement who are finding themselves screwed over in this job market. Many of them go from earning six figs to shopping at good will to homelessness within half a year or even shorter. Are those people all stupid/entitled or fiscally irresponsible?
I've never seen that situation unfold before. I've known very very educated people like you've described having difficulties on the job market both in the US and China but when you say they go from earning 6 figs to being homeless in half a year, I think total lack of financial discipline, which is personal responsibility. When they were seeing the money flow in, they didn't save anything; they assumed it would always be like this. They bought things paying the lowest down payment and they bought more and more things like that and with what was left over, they went out to ritzy restaurants. They rented really expensive apartments in the middle of the city and their budget consisted of paying off all the installments and using the rest to have fun or put more down payments on things. That's how they went broke like a minature version of how pro basketball/football players go from making $20M a year to being bankrupt.

I had one gap year where I was studying for my boards. I made about $1,000 a month by my side gig that year (and another ~$2K for the whole year on my other side gig) with no official income. So about $14K for the year. I ended the year with $5K more in my bank than when I started and I never felt a pinch getting what I needed. Right now, if my wife and I both lost our jobs, I would have no financial pressure, even with a new baby and 2 on the way, for at least 10 years. And no, we're not rich; we just really really know how to budget money. When we need something for the house, be it baby clothes, furniture, kitchenware, my wife can 4 out of 5 times think of a way to get it for free and the other time, it's gonne be under 10% of MSRP. We eat healthy organic food, often from Sprouts and we pay fill up a fridge for $40 because we know when to go for the big sales (not stuff that's close to going bad, just perfectly good meat and other food on sale for 10% MSRP). So I have no pity for anyone who goes from 6 figs to homeless in a few months. Life in the US is just too fking easy.
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Registered Member
50% maybe but 10%?? Have you ever seen American social services? There is a very large difference in how different people make decisions. I've a friend who works there and he says his job is essentially useless because he provides oppertunity after oppertunity for homeless people to get back on their feet and they just end up saying ok but never coming to work. America has more than 10% of these people in their population for sure and I'm not going to get too specific on who they are to stay within the guidelines of SDF. What more do you think the US government owes these people? Please answer that.

The Chinese people of that time were irresponsible much like how Americans today are. The similarity is that they were both coming from a society that was too used to decadence; when in decline, things fell apart. Still, personal responsibility is the root of all things good and bad. China was able to rise back up from ashes because of people with tremendous personal responsibility started the CCP and imparted hope and personal responsibility to the Chinese people. Personal responsibility is the spark of all things good.

This is them shitting on their opponents; they get nothing out of shitting on poor American people.

This may actually be true in some circumstances. In the circumstances where it's true, it is because China is rising out of poverty so lots of families and kids who had hopes of excellence didn't have oppertunity. Now that the government is able to supply them with oppertunity, they rise and that is China's story. Which is very different from America's which is giving basically everything to anyone willing to work to get up but they refuse. You can argue that the government failed to impart a culture of excellent work ethic but instead created one of entitlement, but you're asking too much of the US government. They got the basics down; they got beyond that and actually provide excellent material support as well, but they're not magical and they didn't connect properly with their people on a spiritual level, which is basically the most difficult and highest level of governing. You're asking too much; if a people need to be spoonfed everything to succeed, they don't deserve to.

Where it's not true in China and it is a personal responsibility problem lies in the new kids whose parents have given them everything but they think life is all gaming and taking more from their parents. That's not a government issue but a personal and familial education issue.

Most Chinese people think of the poor Chinese masses of the last few decades striving to achieve more but hindered by the limits of the Chinese past so I can understand them. But if they are looking at America's situation, and 1,000 people all say it's the government's job to make you a good citizen, then China is in a very dangerous situation where any mistake higher up could cause total collapse with everyone taking no responsibility for their own lives whatsoever. I don't think this is the case; I think it's the former.

That's because poverty was China's biggest shackle; giving oppertunities to a billion people will inevitably be China's rise. This is not true in America.

The amount of per capita resources in the US is far higher than in China. At that point, it comes down to personal responsibility.

The difference between China and the US is that Chinese people just need an oppertunity like a drained car battery needs a jump to start up and drive and continue to charge itself up. At this point, it's on the government to get everyone that jump, that little push to spark up and grow. Americans are like a car battery that's been charging for 8 hours on a speed charger and it still won't work. That's just broken.

In the end, when I see impoverished people in China, I think these people just need a little help and they can make it big; I see potential in all of their faces. When I see impoverished people in the US, I see rotten drunk drug addicts and alcoholics that can't be helped.

I live here; I don't think it's that screwed up but it's a country that is used to good easy times, ruling the world effortlessly and now that country and its entitled people are being told they need to work hard for what they take. It's a shock and lots of people aren't taking it well.

I've never seen that situation unfold before. I've known very very educated people like you've described having difficulties on the job market both in the US and China but when you say they go from earning 6 figs to being homeless in half a year, I think total lack of financial discipline, which is personal responsibility. When they were seeing the money flow in, they didn't save anything; they assumed it would always be like this. They bought things paying the lowest down payment and they bought more and more things like that and with what was left over, they went out to ritzy restaurants. They rented really expensive apartments in the middle of the city and their budget consisted of paying off all the installments and using the rest to have fun or put more down payments on things. That's how they went broke like a minature version of how pro basketball/football players go from making $20M a year to being bankrupt.

I had one gap year where I was studying for my boards. I made about $1,000 a month by my side gig that year (and another ~$2K for the whole year on my other side gig) with no official income. So about $14K for the year. I ended the year with $5K more in my bank than when I started and I never felt a pinch getting what I needed. Right now, if my wife and I both lost our jobs, I would have no financial pressure, even with a new baby and 2 on the way, for at least 10 years. And no, we're not rich; we just really really know how to budget money. When we need something for the house, be it baby clothes, furniture, kitchenware, my wife can 4 out of 5 times think of a way to get it for free and the other time, it's gonne be under 10% of MSRP. We eat healthy organic food, often from Sprouts and we pay fill up a fridge for $40 because we know when to go for the big sales (not stuff that's close to going bad, just perfectly good meat and other food on sale for 10% MSRP). So I have no pity for anyone who goes from 6 figs to homeless in a few months. Life in the US is just too fking easy.
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So your situation is unique, not typical. And in China, if there is any sort of 'secret' pricing that allows someone to buy something for 10% MSRP, there will be major outrage as to why this is not public information and why the equilibrium price is 10x higher.

IMO, most Chinese people believe that a society has to work for the average person with an average level of knowledge. If you have to do significant research about the exact place to buy groceries because there are order of magnitude differences in cost for the exact same products, that is a trash society. If teenagers and young adults have to make decisions regarding finances that will affect them in 20 years, based on incomplete or fake information, then that is a trash society.

Chinese people have indeed complained recently that there were too many hidden advantages, society has too high pressure, etc. And the government listened and cracked down on unfair advantages.

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I mean @siegecrossbow @paiemon @TK3600 know what I'm talking about. There's just a feeling of oppression and hopelessness. Can't be that everyone is crazy and lazy. When I see shit like CHIPS act and the media coverage of how it will lead to an 'explosion of jobs', I just laugh.

Intel laying off hundreds in 2024 alone, after laying off thousands in 2022 and hundreds more in 2023, even as the regime says they want to 'revitalize' the chip industry.

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Are thousands of laid off semiconductor engineers lazy losers who can't math? I really doubt it.


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LOL I paid $400 a month to share a house with 3 other people. Average has nothing to do with what I buy. These deals all over the place; you just need to untie yourself to the idea of what would be perfect (oh it'll be so cool to live in a skyrise right in the city with the view, walk to any club or bar, have a pool, jacuzzi and gym in my building, etc...) and go with what you need. 15 miles out of the city in an old couple's basement rental or shared old house with 4 people works just fine if that's what the financial situation calls for. Average rent wouldn't be $1700 if people had the sense to seek out cheaper accomodations but instead, everybody pays the fee like it's forced on them rather than looking for alternatives. So if they act like that, then landlords hike the rent because they can. And if you force them to not do that, that is an invasion of their rights. The people being so stupid really forces the government's hand here.
So your situation is unique, not typical. And in China, if there is any sort of 'secret' pricing that allows someone to buy something for 10% MSRP, there will be major outrage as to why this is not public information and why the equilibrium price is 10x higher.
LOLOL There is no secret pricing. It's called catching the sale and we catch one every week at least. In America, it's easy. In China, it doesn't happen. If anything even resembling a good deal shows up, the old granny mob will take it all before you even learn about it. Another reason I have no pity for the poor in the US but feel differently of those in China.
IMO, most Chinese people believe that a society has to work for the average person with an average level of knowledge. If you have to do significant research about the exact place to buy groceries because there are order of magnitude differences in cost for the exact same products, that is a trash society. If teenagers and young adults have to make decisions regarding finances that will affect them in 20 years, based on incomplete or fake information, then that is a trash society.
Society evolves and requires people to evolve with it. The economy is changing and lots of young adults doing well use side-gigs to supplement income. Those who aren't evolving are complaining; those are the trash people.

Knowledge expands with time. 1,000 years ago, you can be a doctor just following your father who's a doctor around for 1-2 years. Now, doctors take college biology classes, go to cut-throat medical schools, then do a residency and fellowship lasting several years just to be the fresh out guy. Is science trash because it's asking more of the people and making them evolve to command more knowledge? Should we stop expanding it because it's getting too hard for the average joe who doesn't want to study or work hard? Or is science actually improving and trash people complaining because they just can't cut it?
Chinese people have indeed complained recently that there were too many hidden advantages, society has too high pressure, etc. And the government listened and cracked down on unfair advantages.

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Materially, I don't see the Chinese government giving more than the US at all to the homeless or poor. But the reaction makes the difference. In China, people seize these oppertunities; in America, they just want to live very comfortably, doing very little work for a lot of money. And then they complain that these oppertunities are taking advantage of them by allowing their bosses to make money from their work, as if someone owes them a job where they keep all the value they produce. People in China don't think such stupid thoughts. As I said before, the difference is that the CCP is better mentally and culturally-connected with the people and successfully instilled excellent work ethic and desire to improve while the US has made people feel entitled. This is superiority in China's government, but this extremely high level of success is the outlier, not the standard and it's not fair to expect this of the US. Rather, the US has provided more than the basics that it needs to provide and the people here just don't think it's enough unless you're giving them a comfortable and classy living for free.

Once again, what do you think the US government still owes to these poor people who want the world handed to them? What does China give them that the US doesn't making you think it's all the US government's fault that bums lay on the street thinking they deserve everything that millionaires have?
I mean @siegecrossbow @paiemon @TK3600 know what I'm talking about. There's just a feeling of oppression and hopelessness. Can't be that everyone is crazy and lazy.
No, not everyone is crazy and lazy; the majority of US society is making money, contributing to society and living their lives. The US has under 1 million homeless people in 2023 in a population of 330 million. I don't know where that opperssion or hopelessness is coming from; honestly I expect to live a much more difficult life in China than here. The pay is less, the deals are gone. It's gonna be a fight with so many kids. In the US, I'm on cruise mode. Like the engine's not even on and I'm gliding upwards LOL
When I see shit like CHIPS act and the media coverage of how it will lead to an 'explosion of jobs', I just laugh.
CHIPS has nothing to do with helping the poor people; it's a failed attempt in the tech war against China.
Intel laying off hundreds in 2024 alone, after laying off thousands in 2022 and hundreds more in 2023, even as the regime says they want to 'revitalize' the chip industry.

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Are thousands of laid off semiconductor engineers lazy losers who can't math? I really doubt it.
Semiconducter engineers don't fall into poverty when they get laid off; they have ample savings that can last for years and can get jobs in other fields or in China. Looking for a job in China is not easier than in the US, but for tech war-related jobs, it is because that's the US losing the fight.
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Registered Member
Once again, what do you think the US government still owes to these poor people who want the world handed to them? What does China give them that the US doesn't making you think it's all the US government's fault that bums lay on the street thinking they deserve everything that millionaires have?
It's surprising to hear you parrot US capitalist "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" propaganda. What does China give them? This:


It's surprising to hear you parrot US capitalist "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" propaganda. What does China give them? This:
View attachment 124270
A homeless person in China gets put up into a skyrise like that for free? No, what would anybody be working for then? In the US and in China, a homeless person can go to the social services office where they will be offered a working oppertunity. If they don't take it, and refuse to work, they will rot on the streets. If they do work, they have the chance to get up and the sky's the limit from there. Same in both countries. But the people in China take it, work hard and eventually may afford a highrise like that. People in the US say they'd rather have a tent and chill all day and panhandle rather that get trapped in some job that tells them when to do what.


Registered Member
A homeless person in China gets put up into a skyrise like that for free? No. In the US and in China, a homeless person can go to the social services office where they will be offered a working oppertunity. If they don't take it, and refuse to work, they will rot on the streets. If they do work, they have the chance to get up and the sky's the limit from there. Same in both countries. But the people in China take it, work hard and eventually may afford a highrise like that. People in the US say they'd rather have a tent and chill all day and panhandle rather that get trapped in some job that tells them when to do what.
No. In the US, if the social safety system is even quasi-functioning, you might after several years get the "opportunity" to move into a drug-infested rat warren. Commute to a job? Not without a car, you won't. Better hope there's some third-hand piece of trash masquerading as a car available and you can afford it with a payday loan.

That's because to house the homeless, you need houses. The US and its OnlyFans economy doesn't build houses.


Registered Member
LOL I paid $400 a month to share a house with 3 other people. Average has nothing to do with what I buy. These deals all over the place; you just need to untie yourself to the idea of what would be perfect (oh it'll be so cool to live in a skyrise right in the city with the view, walk to any club or bar, have a pool, jacuzzi and gym in my building, etc...) and go with what you need. 15 miles out of the city in an old couple's basement rental or shared old house with 4 people works just fine if that's what the financial situation calls for. Average rent wouldn't be $1700 if people had the sense to seek out cheaper accomodations but instead, everybody pays the fee like it's forced on them rather than looking for alternatives. So if they act like that, then landlords hike the rent because they can. And if you force them to not do that, that is an invasion of their rights. The people being so stupid really forces the government's hand here.

LOLOL There is no secret pricing. It's called catching the sale and we catch one every week at least. In America, it's easy. In China, it doesn't happen. If anything even resembling a good deal shows up, the old granny mob will take it all before you even learn about it. Another reason I have no pity for the poor in the US but feel differently of those in China.

Society evolves and requires people to evolve with it. The economy is changing and lots of young adults doing well use side-gigs to supplement income. Those who aren't evolving are complaining; those are the trash people.

Knowledge expands with time. 1,000 years ago, you can be a doctor just following your father who's a doctor around for 1-2 years. Now, doctors take college biology classes, go to cut-throat medical schools, then do a residency and fellowship lasting several years just to be the fresh out guy. Is science trash because it's asking more of the people and making them evolve to command more knowledge? Should we stop expanding it because it's getting too hard for the average joe who doesn't want to study or work hard? Or is science actually improving and trash people complaining because they just can't cut it?

Materially, I don't see the Chinese government giving more than the US at all to the homeless or poor. But the reaction makes the difference. In China, people seize these oppertunities; in America, they just want to live very comfortably, doing very little work for a lot of money. And then they complain that these oppertunities are taking advantage of them by allowing their bosses to make money from their work, as if someone owes them a job where they keep all the value they produce. People in China don't think such stupid thoughts. As I said before, the difference is that the CCP is better mentally and culturally-connected with the people and successfully instilled excellent work ethic and desire to improve while the US has made people feel entitled. This is superiority in China's government, but this extremely high level of success is the outlier, not the standard and it's not fair to expect this of the US. Rather, the US has provided more than the basics that it needs to provide and the people here just don't think it's enough unless you're giving them a comfortable and classy living for free.

Once again, what do you think the US government still owes to these poor people who want the world handed to them? What does China give them that the US doesn't making you think it's all the US government's fault that bums lay on the street thinking they deserve everything that millionaires have?
OK here's what Chinese government gives that US government doesn't:

1. Much better infrastructure so there is no burden of car ownership which costs an average of
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The end result, getting people from A to B in X time, is the same or better.

2. Extremely cheap college so teenagers don't have to take on life changing loans with limited information.
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, easily paid out of pocket or with small loans, while
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3. Use of Gaokao scores instead of GPA so if someone messes up it only takes 1 year to change and do better on the test rather than have historical mistakes baked in.

4. Taking responsibility for growing the economy, reducing crime and eliminating drugs rather than throw it all to personal responsibility. First step to solve a problem is to admit the problem exists.

5. Crack down on loan sharks and loan shark wannabes like direct loans from Ant Financial that keep people in poverty. No such thing as paycheck loans in China. There is no opportunity to make this mistake.

6. Extremely cheap social housing and outright giving free houses sometimes. Even up to the 90s people got free houses for working for a SOE.

7. Faster and cheaper internet and phone in China reducing cost of doing business, this is a direct consequence of not having for profit phone monopolies.

Why is there lying flat in China but not lying flat in the US? Because China allows people to lie flat and quit life if they choose to do so while they'll end up homeless in the US.

China not merely has great achievements at the top but also is setting up a society so the average person can be a contributor if they choose but otherwise can just be regular and live life. In the US the average person has to struggle to just survive.