American Economics Thread


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Employment numbers for December 2023, 216000 new employees entered the workforce.

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How much do you want you bet it's going to be revised lower by February and March just like the numbers for October and November?

Payroll growth showed a sizeable gain from November’s downwardly revised 173,000. October also was revised lower, to 105,000 from 150,000, indicating a slightly less robust picture for growth in the fourth quarter.


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How much do you want you bet it's going to be revised lower by February and March just like the numbers for October and November?
Numbers get revised all the time. I don’t think there is any conspiracy here. Just the complexities of tracking all this information. I believe these are just the first release, which is then followed up with a more complete number. The problem is that the media fixates on these numbers without properly contextualizing them within how this information is tracked.


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Numbers get revised all the time. I don’t think there is any conspiracy here. Just the complexities of tracking all this information. I believe these are just the first release, which is then followed up with a more complete number. The problem is that the media fixates on these numbers without properly contextualizing them within how this information is tracked.
Yea, numbers get revised all the time. 10 months out of 11 being -20% (avg) vs their initial reporting by year end is just how things work. What are you going to tell me next, that it's all just a vibecession?

PMI being below 50 for 11 of 12 months (the only one above being 50.2) is also just a vibe right? That's the optimistic PMIs, other reporting has even that month below 50.
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If the US economy is doing so well why is maternal mortality, infant mortality and crime rising, COVID is currently in its 2nd highest wave yet, and life expectancy at record low?

If China had record breaking maternal mortality, infant mortality, high crime, etc. and COVID was running rampant, while the state claimed that the economy was doing better than ever according to its own statistics, what would the talking heads on CNN and Fox say?

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The maternal mortality rate, which is based on the CDC’s numbers (gathered from National Vital Statistics System data), is the number of maternal deaths per 100,000 live births. The 1,205 deaths in the U.S. in 2021 translate into an overall maternal mortality rate of 32.9 per 100,000 live births compared with 23.8 in 2020 and 20.1 in 2019.

For comparison, Syria, a country with 1/10th the GDP capita nominal, and at war.

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The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) reported the MMR in Syria was estimated at 31 deaths per 100,000 livebirths in 2017

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The United States has the highest
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rates out of any other high-income country and simultaneously spends the most on health care,
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In recent days, some doctors and scientists have
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that this winter’s outbreak
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since the original omicron wave two years ago.

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Even Newsweek (far right tabloid) admits this is true:

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And this is the claim: if you think the economy is bad despite sky high inflation, higher maternal mortality than Syria, rising levels of crime and the highest COVID infection rate in the world, you're delusional and crazy!

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The illusion persists, despite all evidence. Americans are
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about the economic future. They feel
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than their parents were. Poll after poll shows that at best,
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say the economy is doing better than it was a year ago. More than 20 percent of Americans are doing better than they were a year ago, by many measures: Unemployment is lower. Wages are growing. Inflation is declining. This is true for Americans across ages and classes. These are tangible improvements in household income that should be cheering people up. And still, they are not. Why? What tricks are our minds playing on us that we can’t feel hopeful?


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America's manufacturing PMI has been suffering record low levels for more than a year.

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Have a look at the 25 year chart. The manufacturing PMI has been below 50 (meaning contracting) for nearly a year which has never happened in the last 25 years and comes despite huge subsidies given by the Biden Administration.

This comes at a time when China is making extraordinary changes in the distribution of funds.

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America will struggle to compete with China in the future even in high tech manufacturing because of high labour costs, low level of robot usage and relative increase in China's science output.
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Why is nobody talking about America's manufacturing woes when it more than the services sector is directly related to the strength of the country?

Services sector without a strong manufacturing sector will show increasing weakness over time.


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Numbers get revised all the time. I don’t think there is any conspiracy here. Just the complexities of tracking all this information. I believe these are just the first release, which is then followed up with a more complete number. The problem is that the media fixates on these numbers without properly contextualizing them within how this information is tracked.

It’s election year. If you believe that I have a bridge to sell to you. I know from personal experience that this is the most garbage job market and I’ve been working in software development for over a decade.

While the rest of us are working hard to keep up with inflation, check what the rich aholes’ kids are blowing their money on.

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Junior Member
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It’s election year. If you believe that I have a bridge to sell to you. I know from personal experience that this is the most garbage job market and I’ve been working in software development for over a decade.

While the rest of us are working hard to keep up with inflation, check what the rich aholes’ kids are blowing their money on.

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If you look at BLS's employment situation report for December 2023 (released Jan 5 2024):
1. No. of people working part-time for economic reasons (i.e. employers reduced their hours / can't find full-time jobs), +333,000 ytd (+8%)

2. Not in labor force who currently want a job, +514,000 ytd (+9%) but not included as unemployed because "[..] they were not actively looking for work during the 4 weeks preceding the survey or were unavailable to take a job. "

3. Marginally attached to the labor force aka discouraged workers, +306,000 ytd (+19%)

4. Basically only government/government-adjacent sectors got jobs
SectorMonthly Job Increase 2023Monthly Job Increase 20222023-2022 Delta
Social Assistance+22,000+19,000+3,000
Leisure and Hospitality+39,000+88,000-49,000
Professional and business services+22,000+41,000-19,000
Some like transportation and warehousing have been in decline the whole of 2023 and half of 2022.

And of course, BLS has "changed little" for a lot of these figures. 30-50% difference in numbers YTD certainly is "little".