American Economics Thread


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Democrats and Deep State will do virtually anything to avoid a recession before the election in the hope that this will stop a Trump victory, and damn the long term consequences.

Sorry I'll put my MAGA hat away now.
I mean yeah. Politicians in general will do anything to have a good economy because thta's what gets them elected...

That's just a feature of Democracies and their poor incentives for long-term planning in general.


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This is not a geopolitical or sociological thread, but I think those rising debts (budget deficits) mainly come from these two factors:

1. US world-leading divisions in 10 different areas that require more and more money to keep gluing this dysfunctional society together from collapsing. Its population has nothing in common with one another - so money and social spending are the only common factors keeping it all together (polling also literally shows this).

2. The US economic model based on global military domination gets more and more threatened every day thanks to rising foreign actors requiring constantly rising military budgets (they can't lower hyper-priced weapons because they don't control their MIC like other superpowers and due to the overall deindustrialization).

So what can the US do? Nothing, it can only print more money. Because without either of these two things, it will collapse.

But now another problem rose because there is less and less demand for their debt, so the FED has to print more and more.

But, unfortunately for them, due to various reasons, there is less and less demand for dollars too to absorb their internal inflation.

And even if there was no less demand, there would still experience perma inflation due to this historic level of supply (printing).

Anyways, the US basically has all the signs of the end-stage empire near collapse. More on this here:

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Rising inflation will "return" in the near term as soon as they lower interest rates again for the first time. It's not transitory, it's based on money circulation over-supply in addition to losing demand for dollars abroad. It won't stop unless they reduce government spending and printing, or massively increase taxes, and possibly reindustrialize, but they can't do that, in part, due to those 2 factors I mentioned above. The current reported CPI is also at least double the one that is reported due to the various accounting machinations in the US that weren't there a few decades ago. As soon as those strategic petroleum reserves before elections dry out and they start cutting rates for the first time, inflation will become higher, it is permanent until collapse. The dollar with losing strength with lower interest rates, leading to even higher inflations. However, as most people are sheep, they will probably increase spending before elections because it's easier to accept rising prices instead of falling paychecks. It's not a matter of will, but a matter of when they will collapse. They can collapse on their own a couple of decades in the future, with natural de-dollarization, or expedite their collapse by going into a war with China and then collapse even in this decade for example.


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All empires have their natural life cycles (this is like mother nature), averaging around 250 years, precisely the US in this decade.



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This is not a geopolitical or sociological thread, but I think those rising debts (budget deficits) mainly come from these two factors:

1. US world-leading divisions in 10 different areas that require more and more money to keep gluing this dysfunctional society together from collapsing. Its population has nothing in common with one another - so money and social spending are the only common factors keeping it all together (polling also literally shows this).

2. The US economic model based on global military domination gets more and more threatened every day thanks to rising foreign actors requiring constantly rising military budgets (they can't lower hyper-priced weapons because they don't control their MIC like other superpowers and due to the overall deindustrialization).

So what can the US do? Nothing, it can only print more money. Because without either of these two things, it will collapse.

But now another problem rose because there is less and less demand for their debt, so the FED has to print more and more.

But, unfortunately for them, due to various reasons, there is less and less demand for dollars too to absorb their internal inflation.

And even if there was no less demand, there would still experience perma inflation due to this historic level of supply (printing).

Anyways, the US basically has all the signs of the end-stage empire near collapse. More on this here:

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Lol at some of the content of those articles.

While they correctly indentify that the US is declining (people who can't are quite simply both blind and stupid lol), the idea that Trump or religion would be able to save US is a massive LOL.


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Lol at some of the content of those articles.

While they correctly indentify that the US is declining (people who can't are quite simply both blind and stupid lol), the idea that Trump or religion would be able to save US is a massive LOL.

That's true, but they compiled a pretty good list of historically accurate characteristics of such falling empires of the past, I linked them mainly for that. Instead of writing it all here, people can just go and check them there themselves and see if they match with present-day America.