Banned Idiot
This just goes to show all the accusations are questionable. The story about the welds on the new Bay Bridge construction had nothing to do with China. American workers did those welds. The Bay Area shipyards have a lot of cranes shipped from China which is controversial in itself. But the unions prevent any Chinese on those ships delivering those cranes from stepping foot on US soil. They have to stay onboard. So another flawed lie about the welds on the Bay Bridge is blaming it on bad Chinese worksmanship when no Chinese would've been allowed to weld them in the first place.
Perhaps there were several incidences of faulty welds as the incident Im talking about occured in China. If you are concerned about China being blamed for any faulty workmanship well they certainly played a big part in its construction.
In a interview published by the New Zealand Tuesday 12th of July with Mr Zhou Jichang by Elaine Kurtenbach. Zhou certainly paints a picture of a big Chinese involvement.....he says"We believe this bridge is very important. When people see it they will ask who built it"........"This will really raise our brand image".
He goes on to say "The first shipment of segments of the bridges deck was delayed by a few weeks two years ago because of welding problems.He goes on to say they were resolved and any delays in the final schedule would cost Zhenhua US350000 a day.
So if China had no part to play in any delayed finishing/delivery schedule caused by bad welding. why would he be worried about incuring the financial penalty.
Futhermore in a New York Article about the bridge
theres a photo showing supposedly showing a bridge section undergoing welding in Shanghai. futhermore futher on in the article when giving numbers it states
"Zhenhua put 3,000 employees to work on the project: steel-cutters, welders, polishers and engineers. The company built the main bridge tower, which was shipped in mid-2009, and a total of 28 bridge decks — the massive triangular steel structures that will serve as the roadway platform".
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