Banned Idiot
You cannot design electronic drive or component to completely mitigate the effect of lightning Coup Plane downed by lightning happened all the time
People should not quick to condemn as crappy design . It is tremendous force of nature. A direct hit will result in temperature reaching 3000 deg easily will melt any fuse
Lightning can occur with both positive and negative polarity. An average bolt of negative lightning carries an electric current of 30,000 amperes ("amps") — 30 "kiloamps" (kA), and transfers fifteen coulombs of electric charge and 500 megajoules of energy. Large bolts of lightning can carry up to 120 kA and 350 coulombs.[15] An average bolt of positive lightning carries an electric current of about 300 kA — about 10 times that of negative lightning. [16]
The average peak power output of a single lightning stroke is about one trillion watts — one "terawatt" (1012 W), and the stroke lasts for about 30 millionths of a second — 30 "microseconds".[18]
Ive heard it asked in various forums "why wasnt the electrics grounded to prevent the effects of a lightning strike"