Aircraft Carriers III

Obi Wan Russell

Jedi Master
VIP Professional
Goosebumps for all! awesome sight!

Question for Obi Wan or those in the know.. could a Nimitz class berth in Portsmouth? Thanks.
Yes and no. QEC and Nimitz class are very similar in draft and beam, the CVNs are just longer by about 100ft. Now that the channel into Pompey has been dredged I see no physical reason why she shouldn't be able to come alongside, I've heard it's more to do with Pompey not being licenced to support Nuclear Powered vessels, and also the USN prefers to anchor outside the harbour and grant liberty via crew transfer boats for security reasons. Not sure about that one, possibly hearsay.

Our nuclear subs are all based at Faslane in Scotland and refits are carried out at Devonport, as it's the only refit facility in the UK licenced to work on Nuclear powered vessels. Neither type of carrier could berth in Devonport as the water only has a depth of about forty feet at high tide. The old Ark Royal and Eagle were based there (and could berth in Portsmouth too) as their displacement and draft were respectively 50,000 tons and 36ft, so they had four feet of water under the keel! Remember when both bases were established warships were barely 5-600 tons and had sails!princess royal jetty 11826065_947375171970897_3243675455795931391_n.jpg


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
For contrast, here's Ark Royal (R09) berthed in the same place back in the 70s, And Hermes (R12) returning from the Falklands in 82:View attachment 41460View attachment 41461 View attachment 41462 View attachment 41463
On pic 3 seems same pier, location ?

Homeported there
6 Type 45 all
6 Type 23 on 13
6 MS Hunt

To Devonport
All Assault Amphibious ships 3, 7 Type 23, 3 Trafalgar going for Faslane 2020

7 SSBNS/SSNs and 5 MS Sandown

Also to Bahrein
4 MS and 1 Bay

Where are based the 2 others Bay and Replenishment ships ?