I am in the process of building a Korean CSG with two Dokdos being escorted by two Se Jongs. In order to make the se Jongs, I took two Flight IIA US AEGIS Burke DDGs, and am scratch building them into Se Jong class.
They are heavily armed with a total of 165 missiles. More than any other AEGIS vessel, or other Burke derivitive.
Here are some pics of the 1st the Se Jong DDG-991 and the 3rd one built DDG-993. They are building three more and will end up wth six of these.
The US should build a Flight IV Burke based on this design and added a command deck for Task Force Defnce command.
IMHO, they should either rebuild the Zumwalt with a single 155mm Rail Gun and two smaller rail guns and two smaller Lasers for CIWS, and then put 140-160 PVLS. They have room for that many PVLS, and they could rplace the Ticos. Altterntely, they could build a TF Command version of the Se Jong class...and perhaps use PVLS there too.
Anyhow, here are the two 1/700 scale class Se Jogs I am building for the Korean Task Force. The two Dokdos are already finished and I will make video of the TF when these two DDGs are complete, like I did for the Japanese.
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Notice the 16 ASM she carrier amidships. She has two 48cell Mk-141 VLS one, for and one aft, another 23 cell VLS further aft, a 21 cell RAM launcher, and the 16 AMS in eight quad launchers amidships. 165 missiles. Very capable vessels.
One of these had more missiles than four Daring class vessels of the Royal Navy.
Here's the video of the 1/700 JAPANESE Izumo Carrier TAsk Force with F-35s, which my Korean CSG will look like:
I intend to next convert a 1/350 AEGIS FLight IIA Burke into a 1/350 scale Se Jong. These are really very heavily armed AEGIS Destroyers...in fact, with their siez and armament, I would call them cruisers.