I call it the Garibaldi-Maru. Wonder how long it will take for the USMC to deploy Harriers or F-35B's on it for, um, training or to fill out the air wing the way they do for the Brits.
Agreed. In reality they are only about a thousand tonnes lighter than an Invincible class CVS. On the subject of cross decking with the USMC, it is mentioned in future plans for the RN, as I posted on the UK Military News Thread a couple of days ago, page 27 post 403:
Latest news about the Naval Strike Wing from Janes Defence weekly, the main points are:
Regenerating Core Capabilities.
* Long term deployments lasting weeks or months with 10+ jets are to be come much more common.
* Too much skill fade with the current arrangement.
* Unlikely light blue will get enough sea time to get night qualified. So dark blue will do day/night, light blue day only.
* Joint deployment with USMC will continue, leading to a major ex next spring off the US East coast combining NSW and USMC airgroups. They can operate 16 or more Harriers.
* 801 will stand up late next year as part of the NSW, making 4 sqns in total.
And a rumour doing the rounds that 892NAS may return as well! (not holding my breath on that one, but still a positive move). The deployment to the 'Stan and the ongoing JUMP upgrade program have meant a reduction in available airframes for the existing three frontline sqns up until now, added to the fact that the FAA have been sending some of their pilots and ground crew through the USN training 'pipeline', to gain experience in operations from large deck carriers in preparation for the CVFs. All in all it seems a positive move for the FAA and bodes well for the future.