Aircraft Carriers II (Closed to posting)

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bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
wonder if they will try too pack a few F35b's the over all structure could be fitted for a small number of them.

I know many followers of the JMSDF seem to think so. I think the elevators are large enough to lift an F-35B.
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Mr T

Senior Member
I know many followers of the JMSDF seem to think so.

Yeah, but then they need the ski jump and all the extra equipment for looking after them. And wouldn't they need to re-coat the deck to make it heat resistant or something? All that work for a few birds.

Would be easier and probably more cost efficient just to make a proper CV. I know some people like to think Japan would convert a Hyuga because it could be more easily "justified", but when you add that ski jump the game's over.

I think the elevators are large enogh to lift an F-35B.

Actually I've heard the opposite - go figure!

EDIT: Neutral Zone (below)

Yes, I think they would wait to see China take further steps launching/constructing its own carriers. But in that case I think they'd build new carriers that were 100% designed to operate that way (and larger than the 18,000 tonne Hyugas).
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Neutral Zone

Junior Member
I suspect the plans for the ski-jump are sitting around somewhere just waiting for the phone call!

I don't think they will go down that route yet. I think Japan is waiting to see what China does in terms of deploying a carrier so then can then say that it's a justified response and is compliant with the notion of self defence forces as set out in their constitution.


I think there are some other (less escalatory) steps that would improve the capability / utility of the Hyuga greatly short of putting a full scale fighter on the ship.

Obviously UAVs are an option. There should be a wide range of smaller UAVs that can operate off that ship.
But I'm also thinking of bigger options. Specificly the MQ-1. While it's wings are too large for the elevator, the latest iteration of that plane, the predator C wich started flight testing this spring, will have a folding wing and an arrestor hook. Maybe that can also be done to the Predator B. I'm wondering if the deck of the Hyuga is actually large enough to allow those UAV to lift off without a cat or a skyjump. I have no idea what the lift off speed o these planes are. But those systems can add a persistant ISR and limited strike capability to the ship.

An even more sopfisticated (and also more challanging) improvement would probably be a naval version of the Bell Agusta BA 609 (basically a smaller Osprey), wich would add maned fixed wing capability.
When the props and wing can be folded like on the V-22, it should fit the elevators. This gives long range ASW capability, improved C2 capability, maybe limited AEW capability, and could allow for longer range special forces infiltration / extraction.

That's probably a little far away, but interesting non the less, IMO.
And of course the F-35B option is always on the table.

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Good news for France: The Charles de Gaulle is back and soon fully operational.

Take a look:

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bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
It's good to see CdeG back to sea. But how long before she's in the shipyard again?. I wish the FN fair winds and following seas. Maybe this time she will be able to perform as designed.

In another forum there is a discussion about the QE2 CVF. Obi Wan you need to respond in that thread. Here's a link.

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A fellow named happyslapper posted this;
A ski jump is there to enhance the efficiency of the ship. It can be removed if needs be, but even with CTOL there's an increasing school of thought to having them in place. The ship is modular, and as said countless times already in this thread, can be modified with ease to incorporate cats and traps. There is also no problem with deck space either, there's already a very large amount for the size of airwing embarked, more per aircraft than is enjoyed by US carriers.

The sortie rate is around 150 per day, that's almost identical to the Nimitz class, and is achieved with a smaller airwing.

The benefit of having STOVL is that there is no complex and unreliable catapults or arrestor wires to throw a spanner in the works.

The lauch rate is 24 aircraft in 15 minutes, the recovery rate is 24 aircraft in 24 minutes. Both of those exceed the rates of a Nimitz class.

These are in no way 'helicopter carriers'. They are in a completely different league.

I don't foresee any ''stuffups'' in the construction process. It's already been achieved with several other warship projects both in the UK and abroad, and has been a norm in the commercial sector for a long time.

I doubt you'll upset anyone, but it would be far more advantageous if you were to research rather than forecast the doom of a major defence project with what you admit is a limited knowledge. There are several great sites out there which would have expelled your concerns

This was my response;
Catapults and arresting gear are not unreliable. Where did you get that idea from? Have you ever served on an CVN with catapults? If so how many launches were scrubbed because the catapults malfunctioned? Or a recovery canclled because of arresting wire malfunction?? Also the operation tempo on an RN CV was no where near that of a USN CV.

As for sortie rate..what you say is true. But those aircraft cannot launch with full fuel loads and weapons loads from a ski ramp there by limiting it's missions.


Senior Member
The Japanese are planning a new 'carrier' like ship; the ship will be again, similar in concept to the Hyuga, but will be significantly larger; standard displacement will be around 19500 tons, with a bow to stern length of around 248m. Compare that to other smaller aircraft carriers, such as the British Invincible class aircraft carriers, which are 209m, or the Italian Cavour, at 244m.

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Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content! about a translation of those pages?

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Colonel about a translation of those pages?


I don't read Japanese, however, they are similar to Chinese which I can understand a little. It mainly says that the Japanese Marine-time Self Defense Force will built its largest ever vessel with the budget of 1166亿园. If the "亿" in Japanese is equal to the "亿" in Chinese, then the figure would translate into 116,600,000,000 Japanese Yuan. (Please correct me if I'm wrong)
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