The Ohio class SSGN conversions launch SLCMs from their large SLBM I think even a larger sub-launched UAV would work just fine as long as it didn't produce an intercontinental ballistic track.
...but we are getting off the carrier track, hehehe.
Anyhow, I think that the Type 45 mini-carrier conversion with modern UAVs or even several JSFs is intriguing...but wonder if they could really have the hanger facilities to service 4-6 JSFs.
Well I was jumping ahead a generation with the silo launched UCAV concept. I think it helps to know where you are going before you start on a journey! The hybrid destroyer/carrier concept for the operation of more conventional UCAVs likely to be deployed in the next decade or two could prove to be a useful interim 'proof of concept' vessels, demonstarting the usefulness and potential applications of ship based UCAVs in future combat situations. Because of their specialised nature, the procurement of this type of ship would be numerically small (hence the reference to the current Zumwalt class), whereas the following generation of UCAVs could be developed for fleetwide application aboard DDGs.
Aircraft are a carrier's main armament, essentially just another way of delivering a useful amount of explosive to the enemy's shore/ships/infrastructure etc. UCAVs are another variation on this theme. their potential size means they do not necessarily require a large deck carrier, though no one is seriously suggesting they are anything other than a supplementary system to traditional carrier forces rather than a replacement for them. Already destroyers and frigates around the world deploy helicopters with potent strike capability that can extend the reach of their parent ship beyond the horizon. Deploying UCAVs from such ships whether by mini flight deck or from silos is an evolutionary move as opposed to revolutionary IMHO, and one I look forward to with interest.
As to accomodating 6 JSFs, I think they would necessarily require a larger ship overall, but ship steel is cheap and air is free as they say...