Senior Member
Does that not go the other way as well? I.e. the blind zone will also affect the torpedoes homing in on the ship.
Well , that would depend on type of guidance :
- Straight and pattern-running torpedoes obviously would not be affected
- Wake-homing torpedoes should not be affected by much . In fact , during the 80s and 90s USN experimented with various methods to jam and spoof dangerous Soviet wake-homing torpedoes . One of the methods involved controlled explosions in ship's wake but no significant results were achieved .
- Wire-guided torpedoes depend on firing solution from submarine (or ship) . Most of the targeting systems on those platforms would try to extrapolate position of the target based on previous data (last known position , speed , course etc) . Since large ships cannot maneuver that fast , there is a pretty good chance they could not escape far enough to evade torpedo , especially if they are reacquired few dozens of seconds later .
- Finally ,acoustic torpedoes would almost certainly loose their targets in case of nearby underwater explosions . But again , in such circumstances they are per-programmed to head for the last known position of the target (in fact to head for last calculated intercepting point , but that is a whole different topic ) . Just like in the case of wire-guided torpedoes lot will depend on maneuverability of the targeted shop .
P.S. There are rumors about heat-seeking and magnetic torpedoes but I would not dwell on that . Obviously , if they exist in operational service , they would not be affected in this scenario .