asif iqbal
Lieutenant General
HMS Ark Royal reaches its final home at Aliaga Where it will be dismantled

1) The Angle deck and the enclosed bow were part of
2) The center line elevator aft was removed. The center line forward elevator was redesigned and retained.
3) Those are called "Cow(bridle) catchers". Certain aircraft used bridles to launch. Such as an A-4. In the photo below you can clearly see the bridle attached to the shuttle. The USN stopped catching bridles long before I served.
4) The poles are radio antennas.
Gents I'm/we're guilty of going off topic. Let's get back on topic!
HMS Ark Royal reaches its final home at Aliaga Where it will be dismantled
I love it, Sino D's true anchor man Off Topic on the Plan CV thread, but I learned something so cool about the Hancock and the good old LEX, so guys where are those J-15s, its dark here so it must be morning there right bd???
There's an A-4 Skyhawk for sale in Rockford bd, put on your black robe, and convince him to take us for a test flight???
Top Gun-Viper and Jester flew A-4s. End OT, so are they gonna do air-ops on this cruise gentlemen, or is this just more Sailor's Delight???? brat
how come the skyhawk has no "hinges" (?) so the forward landing gear could lock into the rail.
To what extent is manual labor still necessary when using the current method for attaching the nose gear to the shuttle? Is possible to make the connection between shuttle and aircraft without manual intervention and so save time and labor?
When there is an extension in front of the catapult, the bridle will be reused. If not, it is thrown into the sea. USN and Royal Navy catched the bridles (at least Ark Royal and Eagle), French and other threw it over board.When visiting HNethMS Karel Doorman half a century ago I was told that some time earlier the sea had taken off the bridle catcher so that at every launch a bridle with the value of 60 guilders, then about $25, was thrown into the sea.