Britain has lot of overseas territories , that is the truth . But , looking at the map bellow , I really don't see any potential hot spot , except Falklands . As I said , any potential aggressor would make their move now , as RN currently doesn't have any aircraft carrier .
Please. Just because something does not look like it will happen on a map now, does not mean it may not happen a year from now...or in six or eight weeks for that matter.
No one gave any consideration or thought to a possible Nazi Germany and Soviet Union alliance at the start of World War II. They were at each others throats. Yet it happened and caused the allied nations absolute fits until Hitler foolishly attacked the Soviet Union and opened up a huge (and ultimately fatal 2nd front)...and thank God the madman did!
Oh, I see, you are of the opinion that the UK is going to go about whoring on the high seas.On the other hand , Britain may try to use military might as some kind of leverage on the international scene , but those kind of actions usually end up badly for countries that don't have economic and industrial might to sustain said military machine .
They do not have, and will not have in the forseeable future the strength to do that. Simply not enough vessels even if they wanted to. They will barely have enough as it is to just cover their treaty and their own territory obligations. I'm afraid the UK will just have to wait a good while before they send their Navy raping and pillaging on the high seas! (/sarcasm)
But, you certainly reveal where your perspective lies.
Do you honestly think that they just build these ships, without a care for the future and their maintenance?Well , I'm no seer but I could agree that most of the ships mentioned will be completed (or declared completed) . What I'm arguing is that Britain would not have funds to operate and and maintain them , and that they may end up badly neglected like once proud ships of Soviet Navy , quietly rusting in ports .
They do not. They have allocated and set aside the funds to cover that in their planning...both the military who initially proposed it, and the politicians who ultimately approved it with representing the voice of the people. All of the budgetary issues are very painstakingly and carefully thought out...if they are building them now, then they have already arranged and prepared to pay for them without them turning into rusting hulks.
Now, economic crisis may come along...and a full fledged breakdown is perhaps possible. But not likely.
You use the Soviet Union as an example. They went absolutely bankrupt and fell apart completely. There is no Soviet Union any more. Russia is trying to maintain what it can and is finally turning some corners and starting to build more new ships for their Navy. Others nations that resulted from the break up sold what they had to generate funds. That is how the PRC came to have the Varyag and turn it into the Lioaning aircraft carrier. The Ukraine needed the cash.
I remember well how fast the Soviet Union came apart. A few people suspected that they had been propping up a house of cards for a long time...but it still came as a shock and surprise...though for us in the west, a pleasant one. Most expected there to be an iron curtain and a mighty Bear facing off against the Eagle and the Lion for decades to come.
I do not think that set of cirumstances applies at all to the UK now though. And, unless something like that happens...and the UK falls apart so bad that is ceases to exist...then I believe they will afford the systems they have planned for.
Are you of the opinion that the UK is verging on complete and total financial collapse?
Cases like this? What case are you speaking of?In cases like this , it is better to have smaller but more effective and operational navy , one you could afford and one you could use effectively.
You are speaking of your opinion, and I respect the fact that it is your opinion. But apparently the British people, their elected leaders who represent them (another huge difference between what became of the Soviet Union and why) and the analysts they employ to look at this believe something different about "this case," and have a different opinion. And apparently all of them, the military planners, the elected officials (who only act as allowed by the people, else they would be voted out) and the professional planners and budget folks all disagree with you.
Time will tell who is right.
But, as I said, short of an absolute financial collapse and complete dissolvement of the UK, I bet that the UK operates two QE class carrier groups for the next fifty years...until long after I am pushing up daisies and beyond the cares of this world.
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