Aircraft Carriers II (Closed to posting)

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Jeff Head

Registered Member
Britain has lot of overseas territories , that is the truth . But , looking at the map bellow , I really don't see any potential hot spot , except Falklands . As I said , any potential aggressor would make their move now , as RN currently doesn't have any aircraft carrier .

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Please. Just because something does not look like it will happen on a map now, does not mean it may not happen a year from now...or in six or eight weeks for that matter.

No one gave any consideration or thought to a possible Nazi Germany and Soviet Union alliance at the start of World War II. They were at each others throats. Yet it happened and caused the allied nations absolute fits until Hitler foolishly attacked the Soviet Union and opened up a huge (and ultimately fatal 2nd front)...and thank God the madman did!

On the other hand , Britain may try to use military might as some kind of leverage on the international scene , but those kind of actions usually end up badly for countries that don't have economic and industrial might to sustain said military machine .
Oh, I see, you are of the opinion that the UK is going to go about whoring on the high seas.


They do not have, and will not have in the forseeable future the strength to do that. Simply not enough vessels even if they wanted to. They will barely have enough as it is to just cover their treaty and their own territory obligations. I'm afraid the UK will just have to wait a good while before they send their Navy raping and pillaging on the high seas! (/sarcasm)

But, you certainly reveal where your perspective lies.

Well , I'm no seer :D but I could agree that most of the ships mentioned will be completed (or declared completed) . What I'm arguing is that Britain would not have funds to operate and and maintain them , and that they may end up badly neglected like once proud ships of Soviet Navy , quietly rusting in ports .
Do you honestly think that they just build these ships, without a care for the future and their maintenance?

They do not. They have allocated and set aside the funds to cover that in their planning...both the military who initially proposed it, and the politicians who ultimately approved it with representing the voice of the people. All of the budgetary issues are very painstakingly and carefully thought out...if they are building them now, then they have already arranged and prepared to pay for them without them turning into rusting hulks.

Now, economic crisis may come along...and a full fledged breakdown is perhaps possible. But not likely.

You use the Soviet Union as an example. They went absolutely bankrupt and fell apart completely. There is no Soviet Union any more. Russia is trying to maintain what it can and is finally turning some corners and starting to build more new ships for their Navy. Others nations that resulted from the break up sold what they had to generate funds. That is how the PRC came to have the Varyag and turn it into the Lioaning aircraft carrier. The Ukraine needed the cash.

I remember well how fast the Soviet Union came apart. A few people suspected that they had been propping up a house of cards for a long time...but it still came as a shock and surprise...though for us in the west, a pleasant one. Most expected there to be an iron curtain and a mighty Bear facing off against the Eagle and the Lion for decades to come.

I do not think that set of cirumstances applies at all to the UK now though. And, unless something like that happens...and the UK falls apart so bad that is ceases to exist...then I believe they will afford the systems they have planned for.

Are you of the opinion that the UK is verging on complete and total financial collapse?

In cases like this , it is better to have smaller but more effective and operational navy , one you could afford and one you could use effectively.
Cases like this? What case are you speaking of?

You are speaking of your opinion, and I respect the fact that it is your opinion. But apparently the British people, their elected leaders who represent them (another huge difference between what became of the Soviet Union and why) and the analysts they employ to look at this believe something different about "this case," and have a different opinion. And apparently all of them, the military planners, the elected officials (who only act as allowed by the people, else they would be voted out) and the professional planners and budget folks all disagree with you.

Time will tell who is right.

But, as I said, short of an absolute financial collapse and complete dissolvement of the UK, I bet that the UK operates two QE class carrier groups for the next fifty years...until long after I am pushing up daisies and beyond the cares of this world.
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Senior Member
Has that been independently verified, or is it just the complaints of people who:

a) are trying to deprive the Royal Navy of funds and/or sink the carriers; or
b) are trying to get more money for the Royal Navy by pretending there will be disaster under current plans?

Nothing officially official ;) , but there is some murmur in the press . First article is especially interesting (quote: "The second vessel is now being built but, on current budget projections, the country cannot afford to operate both" )

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Please. Just because something does not look like it will happen on a map now, does not mean it may not happen a year from now...or in six or eight weeks for that matter.

Well , if it happens in 6-8 weeks , Britain would have to endure without aircraft carrier ;) Seriously , I would like to know which country is strong enough (or will be ) in let's say 10-20 years to challenge British and attempt to grab their territory . And since you mentioned Third Reich and USSR , those were easily identifiable threats in their own time .

Oh, I see, you are of the opinion that the UK is going to go about whoring on the high seas.

Not necessarily high seas . They could be tempted to go and attack countries like Iran (hostile rhetorics but no real threat ) or bog themselves in another Afghanistan . In other words , trying to play imperial politics without adequate
resources .

Do you honestly think that they just build these ships, without a care for the future and their maintenance?

I'm afraid answer is yes . Considering how modern politics works , everybody sees elephant in the room , but no one is prepared to talk about it and risk their political future (and I'm not talking just about QEs , far from it ) . So things slide along until they crash .

About Soviet Union : I'm sure they also had plans and funds to maintain their huge military . Until everything "suddenly" crashed down . Well , it was not sudden , it was in the making for years , but few listened to voices of reason .

Are you of the opinion that the UK is verging on complete and total financial collapse?

They are going in that direction presently . If something doesn't change significantly , there will be a lot of trouble in 5-10 years . But , as I said - it is just my opinion ;)

Jeff Head

Registered Member
And since you mentioned Third Reich and USSR , those were easily identifiable threats in their own time.
Actually...not. The NAZIs certainly are easy to see in retrospect...but at the time these things began happening:

1) The UK was led by Chamberlain who wanted peace...and was willing to negotiate it and hope against hope and not have to spend more money on the military to achieve it because they did not want more war after WW I and then the economic difficulties of the late 20s and early 30s. The great, disasterous statement of, "Peace in out time," based on a deal he made with a madman and a murderous tyrant.

2) Russia and Germany were hostile to each other in the mid-to late 30s. No one expected them to get together over Poland and then ally for two years. The Fascists hated the Communists and vice versa...and yet they did ally and split up Poland and Finland and others. That was not identifiable, easily or otherwise at the time. It caused very severe problems in planning and expectations about the war, its length, and what it would take to win if both Russia and Germany remained allied.

The entire world avoided a much longer and even more costly World War than it already became when Hitler invaded Russia and they began fighting each other on a titanic scale.

Sorry, but my parents lived through it and fought it. My Dad in the PTO against Japan, along with several Uncles. Other Uncles in Europe. My Uncle Al, my mother's only brother, was killed over Germany and I know whereof I speak.

3) The US for years had a huge contingent that wanted to avoid any involvement in the developing "War in Europe." We were willing to sell equipment and food (and did lend-lease) to the UK, and some people even went over there to help them fight, forming up ad hoc air wings...but the government did not become directly involved until after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and that galvanized the nation...and war with Japan meant war with Germany too.

So, please do not tell me how "easily identifiable," it was. It was not. I spoke of these things for years with those who experienced it first hand. I spent several years in Germany and made many friends there, and spoke of it with them too. The events of those days are things we can scarcely imagine, on either side...and it all led to a few madmen in Hitler and Tojo and Mussolini...and Jo Stalin too as far as I am concerned...and a lot of complacency by people who did not want to get involved and who did not believe the evil that was developing...all coming together to lead the world into World War and the loss of tens of millions of people...and then a continuation of it in the Cold War for another fifty years.

Not necessarily high seas . They could be tempted to go and attack countries like Iran (hostile rhetorics but no real threat ) or bog themselves in another Afghanistan . In other words , trying to play imperial politics without adequate resources.
Really letting the cat out of the bag now, eh?

Imperial politics? Really? The US was hit by Al Quida and hard, killing thopsuands of innocent American, and the Taliban gave them open sanctuary and refused to we fought them and defeated them. England was later hit by the same blokes. Nothing "Imperial," about it, and it is rediculous to try and chacterize it as such. The US is not conquering and holding Afghanistan or Iraq as outr own territory now are we? Neither is the UK. We have tried to help the Afghans with infrastructure and a more stable government, and paid dearly in lives, bllod and treasure for the attempt and you shame those sacrifices and that blood by trying to equate it to "imperialsim." IMHO, in Afghanistan, we should not have tried all of that. We should have thumped them real hard like we did, and then told the people there not to allow such animals to come amongst them again and attack us or we'd come back and do it again.

But there is no imperialsim here. What a ludicrous comment. Look at the last 100+ years. That's not what the US does. It would be uncivilized and despotic. Usually, when the US defeats an enemey (like Germany and Japan) we show compassion afterwards and try and help...and then if they are civilized and capable, they stand up and ultimately we become friends. Not always, but a lot of the time. That is nothing like imperialsim.

Considering how modern politics works , everybody sees elephant in the room , but no one is prepared to talk about it and risk their political future (and I'm not talking just about QEs , far from it ) . So things slide along until they cras.
Well I have been in some of the rooms for very major military acquisitions and I can tell you that you are wrong. Do people make mistakes? Yes. Do sometimes people take advantage and go beyond simple mistakes? Yes...but usually in the US and the UK, ultimately they are caught and brought to justice. But systems like this are planned and their impacts on the budget carefully laid out...and then later adjusted if necessary because of unforseen things.

About Soviet Union : I'm sure they also had plans and funds to maintain their huge military . Until everything "suddenly" crashed down . Well , it was not sudden , it was in the making for years , but few listened to voices of reason .
You make my point for me. Why didn't people, "listen to reason," do you suppose?

Because you were dealing with a single party, totalitarian state where a very few people made all the rules and enforced them at the point of a gun. Where fences and barriers thousands of miles long, with machine gun posts, sensors, and razor wire were constructed not to keep enemies out...but to keep their own people in! I lived along the West German/East German border in the 70s where NATO and Warsaw met. I personally know of many instances where people, who just wanted to get out of there...or wanted to reunite with their families when they had been seperated when the Iron Curtain came down, were killed simply because they wanted to leave.

Hard to reason with that kind of thinking.

Those regimes had all the power and did what they wanted with it...and they absolutely milked the entire population and had no desire to listen to anyone...that was the underlying cancer in the Soviet Union...and ultimately that is what brought it down when that total command economy was challenged to keep up with a vibrant, free economy.

A free economy that is not a perfect economy...and not perfect leaders by any stretch...but held in check by the will and voice of the people whom they are ultimately accountable to as opposed to thinking it is the other way around.

Now, there are definitly problems now with the free republics of the west. They have taken on far too much of an entitlement mentality where politicians are buying entire segments of the population with what they believe is a bottomless bank account...and printing faux currency to do it. That will ultimately catch up. People who can...need to work, and be free to chose a trade or profession to work in..and suffer the consequences if they choose not to...not because the government makes that happen, but because it happens as a part of the natural order of things. Society, because of its underlying moral fiber, should take care of those who really can't provide for themselves...but principally through families, churches and charities, at the local level and not through government. And please do not tell me that cannot work. If the people are moral it can and will work...I have seen it for most of my life when the government wasn't so involved with all of these programs. If the people are not moral...well, there will be no helping them in any case.

But the vast majority of people in the US and the UK are moral...and so there is great hope.

Government, on the other hand is brute force and not efficient at all at these types of things, and almost always it devolves into curruptuion anyway when the government tries it.

At least we have the tools to set it right...and I pray we will, because I agree that left unrestrained it can utimately bring nations down.

I just do not believe the US or the UK are on the cusp or verge of that in the near future barring some absolute outside shock that causes it. If that happens, the entire world will be caught up in it. As I said, short of that, the planning that has and is going on will keep things working for the life of the QEs at least, if not quite a bit longer.

We shall see.

But we have veered off course with this dicussion. It is supposed to be about the carriers and their technical and military capabilities...and not about politics and ideology.

We can just agree to disagree on whether the UK can afford the QEs or not...and time will ultimately give us all the answer.
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Tyrant King
Problem with that theory is that the USSR was dominated by Russia, which set policy for everyone else. The EU can't agree on foreign policy, not frequently enough and certainly not quickly enough. British carriers won't be used on the say-so of other countries that frequently wouldn't agree with British foreign policy.

At times, the carriers might form part of a European task force, but only when European policy converges with British policy - not the other way around.
You are correct I used a bad example. But I think we maybe more Agreed then we seem. I am thinking A loose power not a single nation state. As we saw in recent operations the policy of a number of european states can be very impressive when formed into a united force, and its likely that agreement on policy is more and more likely particularly in future trouble spots.
I dont think any of the nations of Europe will simply sign over all political identity and
Sovereignty but they are moving to try and leverage there combined military economic and political power. The carriers of europe as well as their other major weapon systems already include some degree of joint mission use in there design. Based on the fact that as neighbours with close ties, cooperation is logical.
However if a situation were to pop up where only the policy of a lone nation were threatened then than nation could still act even without consulting Brussels. If however European interests as a whole or just those of the major three players (England, France and Germany ) were threatened its likely to produce a response from all of Europe.
Its a carrier group waiting to happen, a QE with french and german destroyers and frigates a Astute or a French SSN hunting subs, a tanker and supply ship from maybe the US or another European country.

Jeff Head

Registered Member
The carriers of europe as well as their other major weapon systems already include some degree of joint mission use in there design. Based on the fact that as neighbours with close ties, cooperation is logical
The Eurofighter is an example where many nations throughout Europe are using the same design...and it is a good one.

The Horizon project which started with France, Italy and the UK...and which the UK ultimately dropped out still another. Even though the UK ended up going its own route, a lot of the technology the Horizon Project developed went into the Darings...and if you just take a look at the Darings and the French and Italian Horizon DDGs, it is clear they came from the same family, with a very close gene pool. In addition, now the FREMM Frigates will use a lot of the same technology and will be built in much larger numbers.

However if a situation were to pop up where only the policy of a lone nation were threatened then than nation could still act even without consulting Brussels. If however European interests as a whole or just those of the major three players (England, France and Germany ) were threatened its likely to produce a response from all of Europe.
I'd add Italy and Spain in there too. As Maritime powers, both nations have strong navies and very good carriers and escorts of their own.

Its a carrier group waiting to happen, a QE with french and german destroyers and frigates a Astute or a French SSN hunting subs, a tanker and supply ship from maybe the US or another European country.
These type of exercises already occur regularly as a part of NATO and other international agreements and projects. French aircraft have crossdecked onto US Carriers, UK DDGs have acted as escorts for US Carriers, Germans, Italian, and the French too. We already see the ability for these major powers to produce very powerful joint groups when they are motivated to do so...and they would be unbeatable by any other nation or group of nations on earth.

Imagine two US Carriers (Nimitz or Ford), one of the new British Carriers, the French CDG, and one of or both the Italian Cavour and Spanish Juan Carlos all in a signle massive Carrier Strike Group with Darings, Burkes, Ticoderogas, F-100s, Horizons, FREMMS as escorts and with a large screen of maybe eight to ten SSNs de-gaussing the ocean around that Carrier group where the submarine escort group is made up of Virginias, Astutes, maybe a Sea Wolf, and ultimately *in a few more years) the new French SSN.

Hard to imagine any naval force on earth being able to successfully fight such a force at this point...or for decades to come.
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Tyrant King
Thanks Jeff.
I am basing my thinking on those programs as trends leading me to the conclusions that as the world moves into the next decade and given the number of nations moving to become naval powers. European interests are best served by building a more unified power base using the best of each European nation's best features and adding to it additional abilities.
Remember last year a report came out highlighting that before the next decade is out the world is likely to be filled with national and regional powers made up of conglomerated states or individual nation states who can match the traditional definition of super power as such England and her neighbouring allies are best served by being one of those powers. Allowing the Euro block to retain a relevance and stability in a new political world stage.

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Its a carrier group waiting to happen, a QE with french and german destroyers and frigates a Astute or a French SSN hunting subs, a tanker and supply ship from maybe the US or another European country.

As of this date the Royal Navy has zero fixed wing aircraft to deploy aboard the QE. May I suggest that squadrons of USMC Harriers or F-35Bs ,if in service, be deployed aboard her until F-35s become available to the RN CVs. That would be a start and offer up great training.

asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
As of this date the Royal Navy has zero fixed wing aircraft to deploy aboard the QE. May I suggest that squadrons of USMC Harriers or F-35Bs ,if in service, be deployed aboard her until F-35s become available to the RN CVs. That would be a start and offer up great training.

The only problem there is that UK actually sold of what remains of its Harrier fleet to the USMC, 72 aircraft for a astonishing £116!!! Or to be precise that's £1.47 million per aircraft, that was after spending £1 billion over 10 years upgrading them

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Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
As of this date the Royal Navy has zero fixed wing aircraft to deploy aboard the QE. May I suggest that squadrons of USMC Harriers or F-35Bs ,if in service, be deployed aboard her until F-35s become available to the RN CVs. That would be a start and offer up great training.

This is a brilliant idea, and I bet the USMC would love to Co-op with the Royal Navy, and they do have experience with that, I love that idea, all the F-35B training will be mirror image between the different operators..... I like it. Brat

could even allow some Harrier/Carrier qualed Brits to maintain that skill set, on their own boat, with USMC Harriers, and soon their own F-35Bs, I think they are already planning on cross-decking anyway?????
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