Aircraft Carriers II (Closed to posting)

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asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
pretty amazing that the carrier that was laid less than a year after Pearl harbour was sailing so recently as 1992.
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Videos of the Vikramaditya air ops and its facilities inside the ship.



bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Excellent videos. Too bad we can't have a more informative video like this from the PLAN concerning CV-16.. so I see that the ship has a full fledged water washdown system...that is apparently operational. .That hangar just too small..The other facilities look in good order.

Question: what is up with that red Swastika on the bell? And the coconut and banana?


New Member
Another article about the USS America, this one focus more on it's development and how it will be employed vis a vis new aircraft (CH-53K, F-35 B etc.) and it mentions that "...the USS Ford, the Navy's next super carrier, is being developed synergistically with the USS America class. According to NAVSEA officers and designers, the workflow for the USS America involving the F-35 is being discussed regularly with the Ford officers and designers. There is a cross-fertilization going on between the two new large aircraft surface assets as significant as when Sims and Halsey rethought the battleship navy and began moving to the carrier navy."

again, I still can't post links, so here is the link with a space after the 'h'...

h ttp://


Banned Idiot
Videos of the Vikramaditya air ops and its facilities inside the ship.


In this video at the 3:00 mark you can see that the Indians have accepted the retractable chocks holdback method to launch aircraft just as the PLAN has done on the Lioaning.

Strangely there seems to be no jet blast deflection barrier used during takeoffs. That might be a problem when you have deck crew moving around during launches of aircraft

Still the Vikramaditya seems to be a worthy ship and remarkable when you remember that it started life as a VSTOL cruiser.

Jeff Head

Registered Member
In this video at the 3:00 mark you can see that the Indians have accepted the retractable chocks holdback method to launch aircraft just as the PLAN has done on the Lioaning.

Strangely there seems to be no jet blast deflection barrier used during takeoffs. That might be a problem when you have deck crew moving around during launches of aircraft

Still the Vikramaditya seems to be a worthy ship and remarkable when you remember that it started life as a VSTOL cruiser.
Excellent video. Shows many fucntions and areas of the Virkamaditya not so well seen before.

They made good progress on their trials...and despite the brick problems, are clearly able to conduct air ops as it is.

This will be a very significant upgrade to the Indians STOVL capabilities they have had with the Viraat. A couple of squadrons of Mig-29Ks, a squadron or two of KA-27 ASW and SAR helos, and a squadron of KA-31 AEW helos will round out the airwing. Sooner or later they will augment that with the carrier variant of their Tejas light attack aircraft too.

With the Vikramaditya, and their new Vikrant (which should be launched in 2013 too), soon the Indians will have two very capable STOBAR carriers and the airwings to go with them.
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