Aircraft Carriers II (Closed to posting)

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Obi Wan Russell

Jedi Master
VIP Professional
That article makes no sense. Why would the RN build a CV then mothball it as soon as she's finished? Any inputs on this..Obi wan?

The article was published in the Guardian, known more commonly as the Gruniad (because their spelling is notoriously poor, and they get thing wrong a LOT, witness 'Cats and FLAPS'). The paper is very left leaning, and most of it's staff and readership come from the 'Ban the Bomb' brigades, people who in the 60s and 70s spouted rubbish about it being better to surrender to Tyrants than to fight for wahts right. They have basically read some posts from politicians (who don't know anything about defence) and passed it around a group of hacks (who don't know anything about defence) and regurgitated misunderstood garbage from a couple of years ago as well as the odd snippet of truth to sweeten it and voila, instant drivel.

This is Rumour Control and here is the truth:

HMS Queen Elizabeth R08 will complete in 2016 and begin first of class trials, expected to last at least two years. She will be completed effectively as an LPH, no Ski Jump, No cats or TRAPs, and under current planning will continue her trials and training programme into 2018. Upon completeion of the trials, most of her crew will transfer to HMS Prince of Wales R09 which will be ready for sea trials in late 2018/early 2019, and she will be fitted with two EMALs catapults and three Electric Advanced Arrestor wires. This will coincide with the service entry of the F-35C in the UK, though with the currently expected low rate of delivery this will mean in 2020 when IOC is declared, there will be only six F-35Cs available to deploy aboard the carrier (whose deck will otherwise be filled with plenty of helicopters, so will not seem quite so empty). This will rise to 12 aircraft soon afterwards and numbers will continue to rise thereafter as aircraft are delivered and brought into service. Remeber the Invincibles entered service with only five Sea Harriers each but this was not set in stone and the extra capacity (up to 22 aircraft) came in very handy later. This I state for the benefit of Gruniad readers out there who are asking why are we buying two 65000 tonne carreris for only six aircraft? We aren't.

It is also very likely that HMS Queen Elizabeth will be refitted with cats and traps to the same standard as PoW between 2020 and 2023 to allow both carriers to serve as originally planned, one 'on call' and one refitting/in reserve.

The current government, which has proved itself to have absolutely no practical knowledge of military matters, and having realised they can't save any money by cancelling either of the carriers, has basically turned their attention elsewhere and left BAe to get on with the job, which is why the project is now running smoothly. All the cost rises and delays so far have been down to political interference. With them out of the picture expect things to speed up and come in under budget!


That article makes no sense. Why would the RN build a CV then mothball it as soon as she's finished? Any inputs on this..Obi wan?
It's quite easy. The policy of the British government doesn't make sense. It thinks it needs two aircraft carriers to be able to attack countries all over the world. Then it found that the estimated cost was way to low so while construction continues it is looking for a friendly country to buy one of them. A country that might lend it back when the UK needs it and that would be lent the other CV in case it needs to. France is the obvious friend, but its ideas of a CV seem not to fit with the design of the QEs.
Yesterday The Daily Telegraph published an article, which I found it not worthwhile to repeat to you (
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), in which the writer worried that the F-35C might be delayed for many years or perhaps not be developed at all, just when the UK switched from the -B to the -C model. Today another writer considers the fact that a quarter of the houses in Great Britain are vulnerable to flooding and that an agreement between the insurance companies and the government will run out that the houses will be insured but that the government will improve defenses against flooding. Because of poverty the government is not keeping its side of the bargain so those houses will become uninsurable. For those interested:
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Just a citation from a third Telegraph article:
Even George Osborne, who told us this week that Britain was broke, managed to have a handful of advisers at his side.
Osborne is the British finance minister.
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P.S. Of course France is broke too. And if they succeed in driving up the price of crude oil by say 25% by being nasty to the Iranians....
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Obi Wan Russell

Jedi Master
VIP Professional
Osbourne is an idiot who shouldn't be allowed out without parental supervision. He is giving consideration to tax cuts for the rich in the middle of a recession (50% top rate for income tax, paid by less than 1% of the population) yet refuses to help the economy by cutting the toxic fuel duty (we have the most expesive fuel in the world with neary 80% of the price of petrol going to the Chancellor), the high cost is killing business and strangling the recovery. But his millionaire pals don't drive trucks...

Latest on the Carriers construction:
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Senior Member
Ran into this:

Rare pic of ex French CV Foch firing all 8 100mm canons at once

Mr T

Senior Member
That article makes no sense. Why would the RN build a CV then mothball it as soon as she's finished? Any inputs on this..Obi wan?

Popeye, it's my observation that there's not really any newspaper out there (that's not behind a paywall) that gets defence things right. The Guardian is anti-defence. The Telegraph is so pro-defence they get hysterical over nothing. And the tabloids aren't worth mentioning.

As Obi Wan says, things seem to be going ok now the politicians aren't trying to micromanage the project.

asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
The 22DDH will be far more capable than just 14 helicopters. That's the PC speak to avoind raising the rancor of pacifists and liberal pols who would want to kill it if they spoke openly about what it really is...a light aircraft carrier that will be capable of embarking the JSF and projecting power if necessary.

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are the Japanese having a laugh? and they call this a "destroyer"

bet this is going to take F35 and V22 for sure


Lieutenant General
are the Japanese having a laugh? and they call this a "destroyer"

bet this is going to take F35 and V22 for sure

Due to post WWII laws Japan are not allowed to create any air craft carriers, so they just call it something else instead of a "carrier".

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
TZtTp.jpg old is that photo? I ask because I see F-8 Crusaders on deck! The Aéronavale flew them until 1999..I think.
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