Africa Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


Lieutenant General
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Type 056 OPV variant with guns but without missiles.

China-built Nigerian Navy ship NNS Unity arrives to Lagos

Nigerian Navy’s newest offshore patrol vessel NNS Unity which was built by the China Shipbuilding and Offshore International Limited (CSOIL) arrived to Lagos, Nigeria, on November 4.

The ship departed China on September 15 and made port calls in five countries in Asia and Africa while en route to Nigeria.

The two offshore patrol vessels Nigeria ordered from China in 2012 are variants of the Chinese Type 056 corvette. Known as P18N, the Nigerian variant measures 95 meters in length, displaces 1800 tons and can stay at sea for 20 days.

NNS Centenary, the first ship in the class arrived to Lagos in February 2015.

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Jun 18, 2016
... and here's how 911 looks like now (dated June 16):
while now I happened to find a picture of her sailing (during the sea trials
Apr 24, 2016
this week she reached
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and (google translation of
53 containers de munition pour les Meko algériennes

Que ceux qui s’inquiétaient de l’absence d’armement sur la première frégate MEKO livrée à l’Algérie se rassurent, les munitions sont arrivés en octobre dernier à bord de deux navires marchands l' »Esbjerg » et le « Borkum ». C’est ce qu’indique un article paru aujourd’hui du journal Kieler Nachrichten, dont les journalistes ont eu accès au chantier de la deuxième Meko, immatriculée 911.

Ce sont en tout 53 containers de munitions qui ont été livrés à l’Algérie durant cette période.

En parallèle, Denel a annoncé aujourd’hui que le missile Umkhonto, qui équipe aussi les frégates algériennes entrera en phase de test final au début de l’année prochaine afin d’entrer immédiatement en service.

Le missile qui est opérationnel dans les marines sud africaines et finlandaiseset le sera au sein de la marine algérienne. Son frère cadet , le Mokopa armera les hélicoptères Superlynx qui seront déployés à partir des Meko algériennes.
) according to
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53 ammunition containers for the Algerian Meko

Those who were worried about the absence of weapons on the first MEKO frigate delivered to Algeria are reassured, the ammunition arrived last October aboard two merchant ships "Esbjerg" and "Borkum". According to an article published today by the newspaper Kieler Nachrichten, which journalists had access to the site of the second Meko, registered 911.

In total, 53 containers of ammunition were delivered to Algeria during this period.

In parallel, Denel announced today that the Umkhonto missile, which also equips the Algerian frigates will enter the final test phase at the beginning of next year in order to immediately enter service.

The missile is operational in the South African and Finnish navies and will be in the Algerian navy. His younger brother, the Mokopa will arm the Superlynx helicopters that will be deployed from the Algerian Meko.


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
Apr 24, 2016
and (google translation of ) according to
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53 ammunition containers for the Algerian Meko

Those who were worried about the absence of weapons on the first MEKO frigate delivered to Algeria are reassured, the ammunition arrived last October aboard two merchant ships "Esbjerg" and "Borkum". According to an article published today by the newspaper Kieler Nachrichten, which journalists had access to the site of the second Meko, registered 911.

In total, 53 containers of ammunition were delivered to Algeria during this period.

In parallel, Denel announced today that the Umkhonto missile, which also equips the Algerian frigates will enter the final test phase at the beginning of next year in order to immediately enter service.

The missile is operational in the South African and Finnish navies and will be in the Algerian navy. His younger brother, the Mokopa will arm the Superlynx helicopters that will be deployed from the Algerian Meko.
The MEKO A200 have clearly more powerful armament than C28A :
VLS for 32 SAMs vs 24/C28A ;16 RBS-15 MK III vs 8 C-802 with a more long ranre 250/ 180 km and in addition a 127 mm vs 76 mm but more expensives and with Chineses FFG Algeria have double of Frigates.


Junior Member
Registered Member
The MEKO most probably cost three times that of the C28, can't really compare apples to oranges. A better comparison would be between the 054A and the MEKO A200 and even that I am sure the 054A would come out cheaper. Now the question ask is, does Algeria really need such a high tech ship bristling with such weaponry when it's immediate problem is the ongoing Islamic terrorist threat.