Aerodynamics thread


Banned Idiot
Re: J-20 The New Generation Fighter Thread IV

Who do you think you lie to? to start ITP says turn rates increased, you claimed it does not, do you think because you deny it you are right? Biffing also proves you thrust vectoring increases turn rate, missiles like AIM-9X also increase turn rate.

You simple tactic is deny things, pitch up increases and the movement is up and down, however i know i won`t get from you to admit the turn rates increase.

I know perfectly like i said from the begining of this conversation, that you are not to communicate but to deny.

You just make noise, but i will say to you a reality you like it or not, Thrust vectoring does increase turn rate, you like it or not, pitch rate has a direction is up or down when is up is like lift on the same direction.

The F-18 document i posted said the thrust vectoring is to create a nose up movement.

To end up this you will learn to disagree, you want to continue believing TVC nozzles do not increase turn rate, okay lieve in that, the evidence is not that, but believe it that is your right, lie to your self.


Re: J-20 The New Generation Fighter Thread IV

Who do you think you lie to? to start ITP says turn rates increased, you claimed it does not, do you think because you deny it you are right?
I am right, so it is not denial. I have logically stated explained why, but all you did was re-posting the ITP crap over and over again as if that would make a difference. The company is trying to make a sell, so of course they would claim their product to have all kinds of benefits. How else do you expect them to sell? You should use some critical thinking instead of blindly copying and pasting materials. Beside,
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. Why didn't you mention that? You are in denial, that's why.
At these speeds, TVC-equipped aircraft (lower one in animation) actually turns at same rate as non-TVC aircraft; however, TVC increases angle between aircraft and air flow around it (Angle of Attack, abbreviated AoA), resulting in increase in drag for no decrease in diameter of turn (that is, maneuverability), resulting in increased energy loss during maneuvers, leaving aircraft more and more vulnerable to missiles and gunfire as fight drags on. In short, aircraft does not fly in direction its nose is pointing at.

Biffing also proves you thrust vectoring increases turn rate
VIFFing is a capability that exists only on V/STOL aircraft.
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said so itself, and it has nothing to do with aircraft that has nozzle(s) placed at the tail.

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Aircraft that have no capability to hover cannot use their nozzle in such fashion. On the American side, aircraft having no such ability include F-16 MATV, F-15 MTAV, F-18 HARV, and F-22. On the Russian side, they include MiG-29OVT, Su-30MKI, Su-35, and the recent PAKFA.

missiles like AIM-9X also increase turn rate.
ROFL! A missile is not a fighter aircraft. This is no different than trying to misrepresent a Harrier as non-V/STOL aircraft.

You quoted from
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thinking it was saying thrust vectoring produces lift to augment F-16's turn capability. However, in the paper it was said that the removal of AOA limiter that allowed the aircraft to attain higher AOA for maximum lift.
While the production F-16 is one of the world's most maneuverable fighters, directional stability is lost between 30 and 50 degrees AOA when most of the vertical tail is blocked by the fuselage. (The rudder losses effectiveness at 35 degrees AOA.) Flight control limiters help prevent departure/spins, but restrict commanded AOA to 25.5 degrees--well short of the 32 degrees angle required for maximum lift. With yaw stability provided through thrust vectoring, the 25.5 degree restriction is eliminated maximizing inherent aircraft aerodynamics.

Inherent aircraft aerodynamics mean the aerodynamics is built into the aircraft by design. At no time does thrust vectoring increases aerodynamics lift of that F-16 to increase turn rate.

You simple tactic is deny things, pitch up increases and the movement is up and down, however i know i won`t get from you to admit the turn rates increase.

I know perfectly like i said from the begining of this conversation, that you are not to communicate but to deny.

You just make noise, but i will say to you a reality you like it or not, Thrust vectoring does increase turn rate, you like it or not, pitch rate has a direction is up or down when is up is like lift on the same direction.
What a load of rubbish. Pitching is a rotational motion about the aircraft's center-of-gravity, not an "up and down" motion as you incorrectly stated. The pitch vector is horizontal, and pitching refers to rotation motion about that vector. It is even shown in the following diagram by NASA:

Your pseudoscience does not work in the real world. Additionally, by using terms randomly and interchangeably in an attempt to misrepresent, you are the one that is being disingenuous. Stop
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your thoughts and attributes on to me.

The F-18 document i posted said the thrust vectoring is to create a nose up movement.

To end up this you will learn to disagree, you want to continue believing TVC nozzles do not increase turn rate, okay lieve in that, the evidence is not that, but believe it that is your right, lie to your self.
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said vector up produces pitch up moment, not movement. However, it simultaneously decreases lift coefficient. So, as the aircraft pitches up, no extra lift is generated by thrust vectoring in the process. Turn is dependent on the lift generated, and the lack of extra lift means turn rate does not increased in the fashion that your imagination depicted.
Vectoring was intended primarily as a moment-producing effector, so vectoring the plume up would cause a noseup pitching moment. But the exhaust plume Vectoring was intended primarily as a moment-producing effector, so vectoring the plume up would cause a noseup pitching moment. But the exhaust plume vectored up would decrease the lift coefficient in the adverse direction while increasing the pitching moment coefficient in the proverse direction. in the adverse direction while increasing the pitching moment coefficient in the proverse direction.

There is an apparent improvement in turn rate, only because aircraft is restricted in the AOA that they can achieve. This is explained in
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While the production F-16 is one of the world's most maneuverable fighters, directional stability is lost between 30 and 50 degrees AOA when most of the vertical tail is blocked by the fuselage. (The rudder losses effectiveness at 35 degrees AOA.) Flight control limiters help prevent departure/spins, but restrict commanded AOA to 25.5 degrees--well short of the 32 degrees angle required for maximum lift. With yaw stability provided through thrust vectoring, the 25.5 degree restriction is eliminated maximizing inherent aircraft aerodynamics.

An aircraft's maximum AOA can be limited by other ways, such as the reduction in effectiveness of the tailplane under certain flight conditions. Regardless, whenever the maximum AOA is restricted, then the aircraft cannot attain maximum turn rate. Aside from using thrust vectoring as a work around,
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In supersonic flight, aircraft becomes stable; moreover, classic tail control surfaces loose effectiveness in that area due to interaction with wing. There are solutions, however - delta wing, canards and thrust vectoring.

Close-coupled canards help energize the wing, allowing for better lift at high AoA; moreover, flow remains connected to wing for longer, allowing it to reach control surfaces at end of the wing (similar but weaker effect can be achieved via LERX).

Long-arm canards are positioned in front and above of the wing; thus, there is no interaction with wing, allowing them to remain effective at any speed.

Like I have said in the beginning, aircraft with canard layout is not handicapped by the tailplane, so has no need for thrust vectoring.
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Junior Member
Re: J-20 The New Generation Fighter Thread IV

Some V/STOL fighters can improve their instantaneous turn performance through a technique known as "VIFFing" (vectoring in forward flight), in which thrust vectoring can be used to assist the wings

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Abstract : The objective of this thesis is to determine the optimal controls and trajectories which minimize the time to turn for a high performance aircraft with thrust vectoring capability. All determinations are subject to practical physical constraints. The determined controls and trajectories are then compared against other methods of turning in minimum time to conclude the effects and advantages of thrust vectoring. The results indicate that the use of vectored thrust can substantially reduce turning times and increase in-flight maneuverability. The greater the velocity at which the turn is initiated, the more the range of thrust vectoring capability is used and the greater the reduction in turning time. Originator-supplied keywords include: Optimization; Thrust vectoring; Vectored thrust; Minimum time turns; Steepest-ascent method; and Optimal controls

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I felt flattered when I get to quote myself from several pages ago to answer you:

Thrust Vectoring would be generating lift if it is balanced across the center of gravity of the airplane, i.e. at the front. So a plane with a front lifting thrust vector, namely VTOL, in theory, could use their trust vector to asist turning and compensate for the loss of lift, at a greater sacrefice of airspeed.

So maybe I posess the aptitude to become an areospace engneer eh? or a prophet.


Banned Idiot
Re: J-20 The New Generation Fighter Thread IV

I am right, so it is not denial. .

You have no idea, and i have seen it of the fact you can not distinguish cross product vectors in pitch claiming the aircraft is basicly a wrench

Effects of Rotation on Vector Transformation
from Inertial to Body Frame of Reference"
Yaw rotation (ψ) about zI – Intermediate Frame 1"
Pitch rotation (θ) about y1 – Intermediate Frame 2"
cosθ 0 −sinθ | x
0 1 0 |y
sinθ 0 cosθ |z

Roll rotation (ϕ) about x2 - Body Frame"
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The aircraft is pitching because the cross product is basicly a system of equations that represent vectors, this is basicly a matrix, those 0s and 1 tell you why the cross product creates a nose pitch up or down and not a yaw movement as you claim, since you claim the aircraft is a nut and a wrench
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Re: J-20 The New Generation Fighter Thread IV

You have no idea, and i have seen it of the fact you can not distinguish cross product vectors in pitch claiming the aircraft is basicly a wrench
ROFL! You are fantasying as I never said an aircraft is a wrench. The fact you thought pitch is an "up and down" vector already tells us it is you have no idea about cross product. In the real world, torque is always perpendicular to both the moment arm and applied force. Only in your fantasy land would your pseudoscience said otherwise.

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Effects of Rotation on Vector Transformation
from Inertial to Body Frame of Reference"
Yaw rotation (ψ) about zI – Intermediate Frame 1"
Pitch rotation (θ) about y1 – Intermediate Frame 2"
cosθ 0 −sinθ | x
0 1 0 |y
sinθ 0 cosθ |z

Roll rotation (ϕ) about x2 - Body Frame"
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The aircraft is pitching because the cross product is basicly a system of equations that represent vectors, this is basicly a matrix, those 0s and 1 tell you why the cross product creates a nose pitch up or down and not a yaw movement as you claim, since you claim the aircraft is a nut and a wrench

Firstly, I never said anything about yaw so you are once again fantasying about things that didn't happen in the real world. Secondly, the 1 in the matrix means the rotational or pitch vector is pointing along the Y direction. That is because the 1 appears in the second column within the matrix. Thirdly, the source said pitch rotation is about Y. So, even your own source agrees with me and exposes your lies. ROFL!
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The pitch vector lies span wise on the aircraft, about which the rotational motion known as pitching occurs. Pitching is not an "up and down" motion as you incorrectly stated. Pitching moment does not produce lift to make the aircraft go up and down. Even NASA agrees.

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Banned Idiot
Re: J-20 The New Generation Fighter Thread IV

Pitching is not an "up and down" motion as you incorrectly stated. Even NASA agrees.

The pitch axis is perpendicular to the aircraft centerline and lies in the plane of the wings. A pitch motion is an up or down movement of the nose of the aircraft as shown in the animation
Source NASA
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definitively you do not understand that matrix, niether why those 0s and that 1, basicly you do not understand why linear equations with several variables represent vectors niether what those 0s mean for the cross product


Re: J-20 The New Generation Fighter Thread IV

The pitch axis is perpendicular to the aircraft centerline and lies in the plane of the wings. A pitch motion is an up or down movement of the nose of the aircraft as shown in the animation
Source NASA
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ROFL! Your quote said the pitch axis lies in the plane of the wings. What's more, from that
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, it is stated that the pitching is a rotational motion and not an "up and down" motion. This is illustrated in the following diagram, so your own source proved you to be incorrect.

You once again picked a few words and ignored the rest of the content in an attempt to deceive, which is a fallacy called
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. A quick review of the website exposes your lies.

definitively you do not understand that matrix, niether why those 0s and that 1, basicly you do not understand why linear equations with several variables represent vectors niether what those 0s mean for the cross product
Definitely I understand that matrix. The 1 appears in the second column within the matrix, which means the rotation is about Y axis. The 1 can only be multiplied by Y. This is basic linear algebra. What's more,
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said pitch rotation is about Y. So, even your own source agrees with me and exposes your lies. ROFL!
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Banned Idiot
Re: J-20 The New Generation Fighter Thread IV

ROFL! You are fantasying as I never said an aircraft is a wrench.
You said that and it is obvious you do not understand the equation, and it is easy to see it since the pitch matrix only have sines and cosines for X and Z and in the equations
Fv=W-L+T sin(c)
and for turning was

n*W = L + T*sin(a + fT) (11)Where the load factor n = (T*sin(a + fT) / W) / (L/D) (12)

Lift as well as thrust sine(c) are also in the same x and z axis, in few words the movement is in pitch and not in yaw.

Remember the z axis represents up and down and y represents left to right, that is the reason you do not understand the cross product, and the reason are those 0s

In the Matrix of yaw you have sines and cosines for y and x.
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Re: J-20 The New Generation Fighter Thread IV

You said that and it is obvious you do not understand the equation
I said that because I never said an aircraft is a wrench, and you cannot prove otherwise.

and it is easy to see it since the pitch matrix only have sines and cosines for X and Z and in the equations
Fv=W-L+T sin(c)
and for turning was

n*W = L + T*sin(a + fT) (11)Where the load factor n = (T*sin(a + fT) / W) / (L/D) (12)

Lift as well as thrust sine(c) are also in the same x and z axis, in few words the movement is in pitch and not in yaw.

Remember the z axis represents up and down and y represents left to right, that is the reason you do not understand the cross product, and the reason are those 0s

In the Matrix of yaw you have sines and cosines for y and x.
Sines and cosines for X and Z mean the pitch vector is the Y-axis, so you have just stated another reason why you are wrong. The 1 within the matrix lies in the middle column, which can only be multiplied by Y. This also proves that pitch vector is the Y axis.
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even stated that the movement is about the Y axis in the title. Only in your fantasy land does your pseudoalgebra claims they represent something else.

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stated that the pitch vector lies in the plane of the wing, exposing your lies about pitch vector being an "up and down" vector.
The pitch axis is perpendicular to the aircraft centerline and lies in the plane of the wings.

With the pitch vector in horizontal position, even your fantasy disallows lift from being generated from pitch. ROFL! In the processing of lying, you now contradicted yourself. That is absolutely hilarious!

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, and rotation has nothing to do with vertical movement of the aircraft along the lift vector. So, pitch moment from thrust vectoring is not lift.
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Banned Idiot
Re: J-20 The New Generation Fighter Thread IV

I said that because I never said an aircraft is a wrench, and you cannot prove otherwise.

You have said that according to your definition of the cross product and pitch and more important is obvious you do not understand the equation since you do not understand this detail

If products of inertia are zero, (x, y, z)
are principal axes
• All rigid bodies have a set of principal

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You do not understand the Matrix and it is obvious, since you do not understand what is written in the same source.

Your definition of cross product and pitch were like a wrench, however you do not understand the concept of vector and it is obvious since the products of inertia are zero at the Y axis and the pitch matrix shows the same with the 0s
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