Aerodynamics thread


Banned Idiot
Re: J-20 The New Generation Fighter Thread IV

No you're not. On the topic of aiding the wing's lift, the tailplane and/or canards can do whatever a TVC can in aiding lift. TVC offers no additional benefits in increasing wing lift. The only benefit of TVC is manoeuverability, not lift.

First study what is a vector, lift is a vector, thrust is a vector and vectors have direction and magnitude.

study what is sum of vectors and then you will understand thrust vectoring is pushing the wing up, in fact some aircraft have what is called direct lift when the engine thrust is pushing in the same direction of lift.
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Re: J-20 The New Generation Fighter Thread IV

Look in your fantasy world lift is not a vector, but it is it has a direction and a magnitude, thrust has on regular jets another direction. thrust vectoring is changing the direction of the thrust vector, thus it is called thrust vectoring.

Lift and thrust are vectors, and obviously they add or rest in a vector resultant.
Lift and thrust vectors blah blah resultant blah blah... LMAO! You try desperately to add a sound of legitimacy to your pseudo flight dynamics theory by pulling out a mathematical definition of vector. However, so long as you try to relate thrust vectoring to lift, you are in your fantasy. Thrust vectoring only concerns with the components of the thrust. With exception of VTOL, lift is determined by the aerodynamic properties of the airframe, and has nothing to do with thrust vectoring. Simple flight dynamics.

So go an read physics, since thrust vectoring means changing the thrust vector direction and in with that you can help the lift vector, as such F-22 or any jet with thrust vectoring increases turn rates or roll rates
That is absolutely hilarious, considering you are arguing against the real physics that I have told you with your pseudo flight dynamic theories that are out of touch with reality. Thrust vectoring does not help in lift vector because the change in thrust direction produces a moment and not a force. Lift is a force. Pitch and yaw motion are moments. That's simple physics taught in high school! Like I said, go back and retake first year Physics. LMAO!

By the way, Su-27 has tailplanes and S-47 has tailplanes, and SU-35 has tailplanes, now show me a video of any of your canard delta aircraft doing post stall without thrust vectoring?
Those aircraft have tailplane and are therefore handicapped by the tailplane; such as losing pitch-down authority at high AoA. As for post-stall maneuver, it is shown to be useless in an actual dog fight. A real fighter aircraft proves its worth by out turning the opponent on the battle field, not by performing ballet dancing at an airshow. LMAO!

there are not pure blah blah blah blah blah of your part
LMAO! You cannot even comprehend what is a pure control vs. a control and lift surface! No matter how you spin reality, TVC is a pure control and doesn't produce lift.

X-31 has thrust vectoring.
X-31 also has canards.

The reality is jets need thrust vectoring
That's a fantasy. The reality is that thrust vectoring isn't living up to its promise. For example, one original intended use of thrust vectoring is to enable the aircraft to fly at an odd angle to shoot at the enemy. In practice, that strategy causes the aircraft to lose speed, making the aircraft a ripe target to be destroyed. The
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has shown that to be the case, whereas you have no evidence to indicate the opposite.

By the way learn this SR-71 uses the chines to keep lateral stability, now Su-27 uses LERXes to do the same, they also increase lateral stability for such a reason they can go 120 degrees

A water tunnel flow visualization investigation was performed into the high angle of attach aerodynamics of a 2% scale model of the F/A-18 fighter aircraft. The main focus of this study was the effect of pitch rate on the development and bursting of vortices generated fran the leading edge extensions in the high angle of attack range with and without yaw. Results of this investigation indicate that that the vortex bursting point (relative to the static case) moves rearward with increasing pitch-up motion and forward with increasing pitch-down motion. For the same pitch rate, vortex bursting was found to occur earlier for the pitch-down motion than for the pitch-up motion, implying aerodynamic hysteresis effects.

The advantage of the hybrid planform over the conventional wing is due to the LEX induced vortex flow which increases in strength with
increasing angle of attack.
The stable vortex flow creates an area of high negative pressure on the wing upper surface which increases lift and delays separation of laminar flow in the basic planform.

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This does not prove post-stall maneuvering from a TVC is usefl in a dog fight in anyway. Neither does it prove TVC is capable of generating lift.
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Re: J-20 The New Generation Fighter Thread IV

First study what is a vector, lift is a vector, thrust is a vector and vectors have direction and magnitude.

study what is sum of vectors and then you will understand thrust vectoring is pushing the wing up, in fact some aircraft have what is called direct lift when the engine thrust is pushing in the same direction of lift.

Too much fantasy. Lift pushes the wing up, thrust vectoring doesn't. Simple physics.


Banned Idiot
Re: J-20 The New Generation Fighter Thread IV

Lift and thrust vectors blah blah resultant blah blah... LMAO! You try desperately to add a sound of legitimacy to your pseudo flight dynamics theory by pulling out a mathematical definition of vector. However, so long as you try to relate thrust vectoring to lift, you are in your fantasy..

haha why do not you read physics?

lift is a vector, the nozzles deflect the thrust changing the thrust vector direction, basicly the nozzles act like tailplanes increasing the turn rate.

Go and read physics


Banned Idiot
Re: J-20 The New Generation Fighter Thread IV

Too much fantasy. Lift pushes the wing up, thrust vectoring doesn't. Simple physics.

thrust can be vectored, do you understand that?

it means its direction changes, thus you get shorter take offs, you can trim the flight, use it as a roll or pitch or yaw device

The F/A-22's nozzle, on the other hand, is the first vectoring nozzle. That means the pilot can move, or vector, the nozzle up and down by 20 degrees.The gases coming out of the vector nozzle help push the airplane's nose up or down. This vectoring increases the roll rate of the plane by 50 percent, making it much more maneuverable than other fighters.

he latter three surfaces are common to all airplanes:
The elevator controls the pitch (up-and-down movement) of the airplane.
The rudder controls the yaw -- the left-and-right motion along the vertical axis.
The ailerons control the rolling motion along the horizontal axis.
With the vector nozzle, the F/A-22 has a fourth type of control surface.
The F119 engines also give the F/A-22 a high thrust-to-weight ratio. That means the engines can actually handle many times the airplane's weight, allowing the plane to accelerate and maneuver very quickly.
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.Today’s most maneuverable fighters use thrust vectoring, which can make a jet turn faster and more tightly.

Powered by Pratt & Whitney F119 turbofans, each with 35,000 pounds of thrust, the F-22A—the Air Force’s newest fighter—sports a nozzle that can direct exhaust thrust up or down as much as 24 degree

“Our [one-on-one] tactics have changed to incorporate the ‘post-stall’ regime, where other aircraft cannot operate,” explains Captain John “Rocks” Wagemann, who flies the F-22A in the First Fighter Wing at Langley Air Force Base in Virginia. Thrust vectoring enables the pilots to fly up and over in a very tight arc, Wagemann says, and “gives us the nose authority to turn the jet while the wings are stalled, similar to a controlled flat spin.”
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Banned Idiot
Re: J-20 The New Generation Fighter Thread IV

thrust can be vectored, do you understand that?

it means its direction changes, thus you get shorter take offs, you can trim the flight, use it as a roll or pitch or yaw device

The F/A-22's nozzle, on the other hand, is the first vectoring nozzle. That means the pilot can move, or vector, the nozzle up and down by 20 degrees.The gases coming out of the vector nozzle help push the airplane's nose up or down. This vectoring increases the roll rate of the plane by 50 percent, making it much more maneuverable than other fighters.

he latter three surfaces are common to all airplanes:
The elevator controls the pitch (up-and-down movement) of the airplane.
The rudder controls the yaw -- the left-and-right motion along the vertical axis.
The ailerons control the rolling motion along the horizontal axis.
With the vector nozzle, the F/A-22 has a fourth type of control surface.
The F119 engines also give the F/A-22 a high thrust-to-weight ratio. That means the engines can actually handle many times the airplane's weight, allowing the plane to accelerate and maneuver very quickly.
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.Today’s most maneuverable fighters use thrust vectoring, which can make a jet turn faster and more tightly.

Powered by Pratt & Whitney F119 turbofans, each with 35,000 pounds of thrust, the F-22A—the Air Force’s newest fighter—sports a nozzle that can direct exhaust thrust up or down as much as 24 degree

“Our [one-on-one] tactics have changed to incorporate the ‘post-stall’ regime, where other aircraft cannot operate,” explains Captain John “Rocks” Wagemann, who flies the F-22A in the First Fighter Wing at Langley Air Force Base in Virginia. Thrust vectoring enables the pilots to fly up and over in a very tight arc, Wagemann says, and “gives us the nose authority to turn the jet while the wings are stalled, similar to a controlled flat spin.”
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Nothing untrue about it. But just imagine what it means to IR spectrum and more important... Pushing the whole plan into huge drag and throwing away some serious energy... Besides that you have to cope with extra weight, maintenance and is that what you want in a stealth plane? Coming near and act like Mig29-OVT? I rather have something that stays away.


Junior Member
Re: J-20 The New Generation Fighter Thread IV

thrust can be vectored, do you understand that?

first of all excuse me for my bad english.

I've to ask you some question:

1. if the nozzle shows upward, in which direction does the nose point?
2. if the nozzle shows downward, in which direction does the nose point?
3. where is the center of mass of the plane?

If the TVC of the F-22 generates lift, like you say,when they turn the nozzle up- or downwards, than the nozzles have to show in the opposite direction where nose points, but it doesn't.

Of course, the thrust a vector, but in this case it doesn't generate lift, it only generates a moment.
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Re: J-20 The New Generation Fighter Thread IV

thrust can be vectored, do you understand that?

it means its direction changes, thus you get shorter take offs, you can trim the flight, use it as a roll or pitch or yaw device

The F/A-22's nozzle, on the other hand, is the first vectoring nozzle. That means the pilot can move, or vector, the nozzle up and down by 20 degrees.The gases coming out of the vector nozzle help push the airplane's nose up or down. This vectoring increases the roll rate of the plane by 50 percent, making it much more maneuverable than other fighters.

he latter three surfaces are common to all airplanes:
The elevator controls the pitch (up-and-down movement) of the airplane.
The rudder controls the yaw -- the left-and-right motion along the vertical axis.
The ailerons control the rolling motion along the horizontal axis.
With the vector nozzle, the F/A-22 has a fourth type of control surface.
The F119 engines also give the F/A-22 a high thrust-to-weight ratio. That means the engines can actually handle many times the airplane's weight, allowing the plane to accelerate and maneuver very quickly.
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.Today’s most maneuverable fighters use thrust vectoring, which can make a jet turn faster and more tightly.

Powered by Pratt & Whitney F119 turbofans, each with 35,000 pounds of thrust, the F-22A—the Air Force’s newest fighter—sports a nozzle that can direct exhaust thrust up or down as much as 24 degree

“Our [one-on-one] tactics have changed to incorporate the ‘post-stall’ regime, where other aircraft cannot operate,” explains Captain John “Rocks” Wagemann, who flies the F-22A in the First Fighter Wing at Langley Air Force Base in Virginia. Thrust vectoring enables the pilots to fly up and over in a very tight arc, Wagemann says, and “gives us the nose authority to turn the jet while the wings are stalled, similar to a controlled flat spin.”
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NOBODY is saying TVC can't change thrust direction. In fact, that's the only bloody thing TVC is good for. So basically, that means the last four fifths of your reply is boring and irrelevant to this discussion. Actually, I would like to correct myself, four fifths of your post are boring and irrelevant to their discussions too.

Lift means how much force UPWARDS the wings are achieving by having low pressure air sucking the wing upwards from the high pressure air underneath, I fail to see how TVC assists the wing in that operation. If you mean TVC can assist in achieving lift by changing the AOA, then you might as well use tail planes.

And yes we understand thrust can be vectored, this is how rockets are manoeuvered in space. BUT, TVC doesn't increase lift per se, the engine thrust in conjunction with the wings do. Here's a scenario; an F-22 is flying straight and level, not at cl-max. If you "vector the thrust" (like you so enthusiastically implore us to) 20 degrees downwards, that will in turn push the plane's aft upwards and result in a negative AOA, also known as flying downwards; if you angle the thrust 20 degrees upwards, that will result in the plane flying at positive AOA, which, assuming the engines are powerful enough, will usually result in an increase of altitude. The latter scenario is one where the plane CAN increase its altitude using TVC, but that can also be done using tail planes.

So basically, my point is: what is YOUR point? If your point is that TVC can increase manoeuverability by letting the aircraft pull tighter turns, then by all means, we agree with you. However, if your argument is that TVC increases lift, then no we don't agree with you. TVC can change an aircraft's pitch to allow the wings to attain maximum lift coefficient, but so can a tail plant. If you have a TVC solely to help the wing attain max lift coefficient, then you're stupid for not making full use of your tail planes.


Banned Idiot
Re: J-20 The New Generation Fighter Thread IV

NOBODY is saying TVC can't change thrust direction..

read about vectors the word Thrust vectoring says it all, when you read about vector resultant, magnitude or direction you will understand lift is a vector.

when you read about physics you opine, then you will understand why the jet turns tighter and the lift force is increased by the pitch up force thrust vectoring is creating
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Banned Idiot
Re: J-20 The New Generation Fighter Thread IV

first of all excuse me for my bad english.

I've to ask you some question:

1. if the nozzle shows upward, in which direction does the nose point?
2. if the nozzle shows downward, in which direction does the nose point?
3. where is the center of mass of the plane?

If the TVC of the F-22 generates lift, like you say,when they turn the nozzle up- or downwards, than the nozzles have to show in the opposite direction where nose points, but it doesn't.

Of course, the thrust a vector, but in this case it doesn't generate lift, it only generates a moment.

lift, weight, thrust and drag are used as vectors, in a turn a jet is under the influence of several vectors lift weight drag and thrust, all these vectors have magnitude and direction.

You are creating a pitch up or pitch down force by vectoring the thrust.

The word is Vectoring