I went on a family day cruise on the Valley Forge back in 2003. It was the cleanest ship I was ever on. The crew was squared away. No need to put on a show for the visitors...
That's how the Kinkaid was. Morale seemed very high, too. Complete opposite on the Boxer.
I also got confused on AN/SPQ-9 gun fire control radar and AN/SPS-67(V) or AN/SPS-67(V)surface search radar. Exactly what radars does Arleigh Burke have? Does it have AN/SPQ-9 or not? It has AN/SPS-64(V) or AN/SPS-67(V) or both? Which radar passes target information for CIWS? I don't mean actually control the CIWS but detect and track the target.
All flights have the AN/SPS-64(V)9 and the AN/SPS-67(V)3 surface search radars. For CIWS, I think that its onboard AN/VPS-2 radar detects, tracks, and provides fire control for the gun. They do have AN/SPQ-9s as well. In 1999 they began a program to integrate them into the AEGIS system to better protect against low-flying targets, esepcially in coastal areas.
In the future I feel the USN is planning to multi task the Arliegh Burkes for escort and other duties along with the LCS. I feel the USN has a lot invested in the LCS at this time and will not abandoned the program. In the future look for the LCS to be pre-positioned or foward deployed to Japan, Bahrain and Italy.
That's what I think as well, although in my opinion, especially considering potential threats, that's not a good idea. As for LCS, it's not so much the Navy that could abandon the program. It's really Congress, which has become highly skeptical about the Navy's shipbuilding plans. I don't think they'll cut the program, but they may end up reducing numbers. DDX was originally supposed to be well over 20 ships, and now it's down to about 6, and Congress has indicated they may limit it to 2 ships. CGX may meet a similar fate for the same reasons DDX has.