Question for you bigstick61>>. Did you serve or work for the USN in any capacity? If so you maybe eligable, in time, for a VIP membership.
Sort of. I'm a Midshipman 3rd Class in the USNR. College program but not scholarship, unfortunately. I've already decided to pursue the Surface Warfare Officer career path. I seem to be one of the only guys interested in that field; most want to be SEALs, sub drivers, or pilots.
My son also served on the ex-USS Paul F. Foster DD-964. Which according to him was more of a ship than CG-50 ever was. Intresting.
The Spruances were good ships. I went on a family cruise with my uncle aboard the USS Kinkaid (DD-965) out of San Diego, and I was very impressed with that ship. I still have a powder casing for one of the 5" guns in the garage. To bad she's at the bottom of the sea now. The next ship I went on was the USS Boxer, and I was very unimpressed. The USS Rentz was a good ship, though.
He has informed me that the USN is putting all it's chips in the Arliegh Burke and LCS basket. No matter what we may read or hear about the CGX and DDX programs I & he doubt seriously that those programs will come to fruition. Why? Need we ask? $$$$$$....
Pretty much. As badly as the Navy wants the DDX and CGX, I doubt they're going to get them in any meaningful numbers. I can't say I'm disappointed about that specifically, though. From what I've seen on the DDX, I would not want to serve aboard one. Seems like a death trap to me. The CGX is similar in many design aspects. LCS looks like it could be in jeopardy right now as well. Where I am disappointed is in the mass decomissionings, and the elimination of the reserve fleet, along with shipbuilding that won't get anywhere near necessary amounts of warships produced. Two carrier battlegroups deployed to the Persian Gulf the other day, but there were only 9 ships total. It used to be that carriers had one or two cruisers, and 4-6 destroyers or frigates per vessel, along with replenishment ships, as a sort of standard. The current amount of FFGs, DDGs, and CGs could not hope to escort several convoys, and all major warships, amphibious vessels, and such, even with a reduced complement of escorts, something which would be required in wartime. The decline of the shipbuilding industry is alarming as well.