A Growing Chinese Confidence


Senior Member
Charles Moore of the Telegraph
may actually be a Chinese Nationalist,

judging by how some people here react...

I'm starting to think that the Left might actually be right

What with the the phone-hacking scandal, the eurozone crisis and the US economic woes, the greedy few have left people disillusioned with our debased democracies.

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"The rich run a global system that allows them to accumulate capital and pay the lowest possible price for labour. The freedom that results applies only to them. The many simply have to work harder, in conditions that grow ever more insecure, to enrich the few. Democratic politics, which purports to enrich the many, is actually in the pocket of those bankers, media barons and other moguls who run and own everything. "


Senior Member
Since we're on the subject of confidence, I'll put this here. Looks to be a case of lack of confidence or maybe an obsession with 'face'.
...In an interview Monday night Biden was more diplomatic when discussing his talks with Chinese leaders, saying their comments behind closed doors about U.S. finances didn’t match public criticism............................

He has to act like that,

because he can not afford to be seen being reasonable or rational with those Chinese.

Athenians used to despise any politicans who were willing to have reasonable compromises with the Spartans during the peloponnesian war. thus blood and treasures has to be lost for basically a mob mentality.

this is exactly the same thing happening again.

If this is the pinncle of human civilization, and end of history, then I would say human civilization has no future.


Lieutenant General
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If you're a Chinese nationalist, that's cool. If you admire China, fine. But don't think that everything the Chinese government does is great just because it's the Chinese government doing it, and don't think that everything "the West" (what does that even mean?) does is awful just because it's "the West" doing it. People who yammer on about how others have "closed minds" often have the most locked up minds of all. Sometimes people who are quick to point out other's hypocrisy will go to any lengths to justify their own. No one is right 100% of the time. That's all.

That does swing both ways though.

And again, I'm not quite sure how that relates to the article/interview or previous discussion either, it seems to be a general rule you can apply to everyone by replacing china and the west with names of choice?
I also feel that your post would make much more sense if you switched china and the west with each other. I don't think anyone here believes whatever china does is right just because it is china and whatever the west does is wrong because they are "the west". It's all about responding and standing up to criticism one of those two parties have been happily dishing out over the past few years and decades.

@ie: I don't think Finn said anything about china being evil...?


Senior Member
@ie: I don't think Finn said anything about china being evil...?

clearly his comments were meant to put me on "defensive" about the "chinese government", so why not just give up the name calling battle and just assume the chinese and their government are "evil".

with that settled, let's just focus on the facts. sooner or later enough facts would accumulate so that facts by itself would shock people out of their zombie like clinging to their preconceptions.

and while at it. here is a thought:

"The post-modernists can not let go of the idea of subjective truth. They can not accept the idea of divine (eg Plato) or mathematical (eg Hobbes & Lispet) truth contradicting their own value judgements. "


Senior Member
Lol, i kinda expected the china bashers wouldnt be classy enough to come off their high horses and take a good look at themselves anyway. Self righteous people tend to have this my way or the highway mentality. It was a bloody good response in any case.


Lieutenant General
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Let's try to keep civil if we have to talk about china vs west at all, yeah? (just preemptive, I don't want this quite combustible thread to fully turn into flaming.)

Mr T

Senior Member
Honestly I couldn't care less about how the rest of the world sees china now, but I'm now more interested in seeing how China will respond.

Anyway, here's to hoping the PRC's FM and PR departments can continue upping their game a little in the coming years so we have more to post in this thread

So what you seem to be saying is that you don't want the Chinese government to be diplomatic, simply to say "we're great, like it or lump it"? That's not good PR, it's like a company telling the public "we have the best products - if you don't agree, buy someone else's!"


Lieutenant General
In other words China must kowtow and know it's place and be an obedient geisha girl. Because we know the other side ain't so courteous.
So what you seem to be saying is that you don't want the Chinese government to be diplomatic, simply to say "we're great, like it or lump it"? That's not good PR, it's like a company telling the public "we have the best products - if you don't agree, buy someone else's!"

Oh man you're funny. If this isn't China being diplomatic, I don't know what is. Why don't you EXPLAIN to all of us, what does it mean for China to be diplomatic? And what can China do the thing so the West will start loving?


Banned Idiot
And again, an extended interview

Rawwwr I feel like giving her a massive high five

Interview with China's*Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs: 'The West Has Become Very Conceited' -

Reminds me of that biblical saying

" Why do you look at the speck that is in your brothers eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?

Talking about diplomacy

I wonder if the U.S. has downgraded the level of importance with the replacement of a white "Huntsman", who was capable of speaking perferct Mandarin for the Asian, "Locke" who can't. (Im not to sure if he can speak any Chinese.
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