Banned Idiot
Are we assuming the 52b and the 956em share similar sensors? It seems reasonable as the first 52b was fitted with sensors around 2002, the same year the 956em sovs were ordered. They must both be ahead of the 956's ordered in 1996. so the front dome must have been improved with extneded range(the orginal had a 30km range i dont see the point of making an improved verison thats only going to have 32km range, 38km is more reasonable).
This might be a bit off topic, but does the 52c use the HT-233 3D C-band mono-pulse planar phased array radar to guide the hq-9?
This might be a bit off topic, but does the 52c use the HT-233 3D C-band mono-pulse planar phased array radar to guide the hq-9?