956em sovs


Banned Idiot
I read up on huitongs site that the new 956em sovs delivered to china feature an additional Band Stand radar installed on top of the helicopter hanger. The site says the radar may be used to guide chinese indegedous anti ship missles installed later(yj-83?). Any one know if china is even allowed to do this? and how?

On the other hand, the 138 destroyer seems like a geat ship. Based on the controls we see featured on the Talwars, we can the C4i on this ship shoudl be be very good. combined with a 240km moskit, this ship poses a threat to any japanese or taiwanese warship.

So any one have info regarding the second Band Stand?


VIP Professional
Registered Member
It's positive-E, not Band Stand, to guide the Kahstan CIWS system...as in all other ships which has Kahstan...


Banned Idiot
Im not talking about the kashtan radar. Im asking about the second bands stand, which appears to serve no apparent purpose on the destroyer at the moment. It must have been a signifigant part of the upgrade, as improved moskits and kashtans alone could not account for 400 million$.


VIP Professional
Registered Member
Nope, there isent any second Band Stand, Huitong has propaply misstook the the randome atop of the helo hanger as Band stand, as they both share a common radome


Just Hatched
Registered Member
are type 052B and PROJECT 956E/EM equiped with the same version of the fregat radar (TOP PLATE) ???

what's the difference between FREGAT MAE 5 and FREGAT M2EM ??

thanks in advance.
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Banned Idiot
The MAE 5 is the one on the 52b, right? i think that radar is designed to search the skys and guide the s-an-12 SAM. I dont know which kind of top plate the 956 uses, but it guides the sa-n-7 gadfly, the predecessor of the sa-n-12.


Junior Member
I'm pretty sure the Sovremennys the PLAN operates doesnt use the aging Gadfly.
I'm sure all of them (the two E's and the coming two EM's) uses the Grizzly.


Banned Idiot
Im pretty sure the orginal sovs operated the s-an-7(check it on sinodefence), but i was hoping too that the em sovs had soemthing more advanced.


Junior Member
MIGleader said:
Im pretty sure the orginal sovs operated the s-an-7(check it on sinodefence), but i was hoping too that the em sovs had soemthing more advanced.
SinoDefence have a small confusing error on their Sovremenny section. They state that the two 956Es uses "SA-N-7 Grizzly" but there is no such thing! Its either SA-N-7 "Gadfly" or SA-N-12 "Grizzly.

The first batch (first 2) of the PLAN Sovremennys were the 956E, but were known in Russian service as the 956A. The 956A uses the Grizzly instead of the Gadfly, and therefore I belive the Chinese 956E and EM uses the Grizzly.


Banned Idiot
Thats interesting. Well in that case, im going to resort to the facts. Sinodefence claims the missle equiping the sovs has a range of 25km against aircraft and 15 agaist cruise missles, which are the specs of the sa-n-7. The s-an-12 has a 38km range against aircraft and a 20km range against cruise missles.