2022 Olympic Winter Games Beijing


You can't compete for China if you're a foreign national. Actually, Eileen Gu has given up her US citizenship to obtain her Chinese citizenship. China does not recognize dual-citizenship.

She was born in the US and apparently Chinese govt allow dual citizenship until 18 yrs old + 6 months. It means she can hold dual citizenship until March this year
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She was born in the US and apparently Chinese govt allow dual citizenship until 18 yrs old + 6 months. It means she can hold dual citizenship until March this year
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No, China absolutely does not allow dual citizenship. If you're born in the US or other foreign countries and if either of your parents is Chinese citizen, you will still have a chance to decide whether you want to be Chinese citizen when you become an adult (don't remember the exact age, probably 21). For special talent, which Eileen Gu apparently is, you can apply to be a Chinese citizen even when you're an adult. Some non-Chinese athletes have chosen this route. Not sure which route Eileen Gu did. Her case is not unique. There have been precedents.


No, China absolutely does not allow dual citizenship. If you're born in the US or other foreign countries and if either of your parents is Chinese citizen, you will still have a chance to decide whether you want to be Chinese citizen when you become an adult (don't remember the exact age, probably 21). For special talent, which Eileen Gu apparently is, you can apply to be a Chinese citizen even when you're an adult. Some non-Chinese athletes have chosen this route. Not sure which route Eileen Gu did. Her case is not unique. There have been precedents.

18 yrs + 6 month .. what you say basically the same as I said ... well, "allow" could be interpreted differently but in essence the same

Did u read the link I provided, I wonder ?


Luckily, I'm not. And it's not fear, if you had basic brain functions, instead of beng childish, you'd also have calculated these possibilities as any sensible person would do. Are you really this sure that China won't face any difficulties along the way, if you are really this imbecilic; oh boy, I do have some news for you. It won't be all sunny days and I'm not even sure if CCP will be able to continue this strong growth for too long and without getting more countries opposed against them. There already is a strong coalition (QUAD+AUKUS) and more and more countries everyday are opposing China and getting hawkish leaders. Even the US (the most powerful empire the earth has ever seen) alone cannot face such a coalition and you already wanna face this huge block + USA alone. Every country on this earth needs to have friendly relations with other countries otherwise we've seen what happens the last time when a country got nuked twice and an another country got absolutely annihilated thanks to some genocidal maniac.
Luckily for China, you are not. The most imbecilic thing I've seen is calling teh QUAD or AUKUS a strong coalition when both are basically without function and without result. There are no strong coalitions or aliances, only countries that do what seems like a good idea at the time. Most countries are dragged by a fearful and desperate US that is still the strongest nation by a small margin so their action is to appease it and avoid drawing the ire of the mad king before he loses his throne, all the while preserving their (economic) relationship with China so as to make the transition to that camp when the time comes. The others are insects who uncleverly got in China's way so they need to be a part of something to feel like they have some support until China lets them restart relations. China will face difficulties and has always faced them but we have shown world-beating growth nonetheless, which is how we got here in the first place. Japan and Germany are midgets compared to China; their failures have nothing to do with us as a dragon is not worried by what mice and insects fail to achieve. When properly developed, China is at least the equivalent to 4 Americas, except filled with people who are known to work harder and overachieve in all scholastic efforts; no coalition in the world, much less a cobbled bunch of the fearful and the reluctant led by a desperate tyrant, can hold such a China back, only give it incentive to become even stronger.


18 yrs + 6 month .. what you say basically the same as I said ... well, "allow" could be interpreted differently but in essence the same

Did u read the link I provided, I wonder ?

I don't need to consult Wiki for such matters, absolutely not.

I don't understand why you're saying that I say the same thing as you said. Here is what I said, if I didn't make it clear enough: Eilleen Gu is a Chinese citizen and not a US citizen now. She gave us her US citizenship. That China does not allow dual citizenship is a very common knowledge. There are also a lot of reports about her citizenship in Chinese media. You can search for it if you understand Chinese.


Registered Member
Any prediction which country will get the most medal?
one of the Scandinavian countries. I think NZ will get her medals at the expense of the Americans or Canadians.
Pretty sure it's Norway. The other Scandinavian or Nordic countries can't even hold a torch to Norway.

China sends a lot of winter athletes to Norway for training.


I don't need to consult Wiki for such matters, absolutely not.

I don't understand why you're saying that I say the same thing as you said. Here is what I said, if I didn't make it clear enough: Eilleen Gu is a Chinese citizen and not a US citizen now. She gave us her US citizenship. That China does not allow dual citizenship is a very common knowledge. There are also a lot of reports about her citizenship in Chinese media. You can search for it if you understand Chinese.

cool down man, thats your choice not to read .. I say no more

Why you are so upset?


cool down man, thats your choice not to read .. I say no more

Why you are so upset?

I was a bit upset because I have to argue with you on something so basic (citizenship). I thought you were pretty knowledgeable about these kind of things and yet you were so stubborn. LOL.

Do you know there have been some movements in the overseas Chinese community over the last decade, mostly Chinese originally from mainland China who had given up Chinese citizenship, to petition Chinese government to allow dual citizenship?

Ok, let's end this discussion. It's getting pointless.


Senior Member
I think you guys are both right lol. All indications are she has reached that cut off age and has given up her US passport but WSJ tried to muddy the waters with a recent article.
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No prizes to guess western media and Chinese media reports on her are very different. Chinese ones more positive and wholesome. Western more political and making snide commentary on reasons for the switch in representation, her commercial activity and upbringing.

I've been clear on being unimpressed with scmp reporting many times but I have to give them credit here as so far the only media I've seen that wrote about the racist incident she encountered in US with her grandma.. Dun see any American articles mentioning this. And there have been quite a few on her recently.
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