2022 Olympic Winter Games Beijing


I am with you on this one, especially pertaining internet freedom. what I wanted to point out is the contradiction within the idea of freedom. In the US internet freedom really drove down the quality of its people. But over, there are amazing people that leveraged the OVERALL freedom to achieve incredible heights. for example Ezra Vogel is one I really respect. I recently read his book "China and Japan." I don't know if every history he described is accurate. But I see that as an American, he genuinely wanted to to help China and Japan move past their troubled war era.

I had thought that maybe China can build a political credit system for the internet, in which contribute ideas and vote and discuss others' ideas. people with more credits can see/discuss more sensitive things.

If you search for guancha videos on YouTube, you can see they discuss some fairly sensitive and controversial topics. So I think there definitely are venues for such discussion.


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it happens everywhere doesn't mean I want it to happen in China to my own people.

There is plenty of national pride in China for what the country and the people has achieved. But pride is easy, we feel good about ourselves for what other people have done. But we need more compassion for our people, so that we feel the pain others are feeling.

I am a nationalist. I believe China will and must lead this world. we can't do that by being as good as the west. we must be better. and I for one want to be someone that spreads good ideas and kindness among my own people.

all in all, what the MSM says, fairly or unfairly, is one thing. But having our own judgment and improve on own is another.
My point is western msm is highlighting this story with ill intentions. Generally speaking, social media being toxic is common in every country around the world. Yet looking at western media coverage of this makes it seem like it's exclusive to China, which isn't true. I do agree that we should do better and be kind towards our compatriots. I've looked up this story on baidu (China's google) and the news article mentioned Weibo stepped in and cleaned it up which is a good thing. And another skater on the national team talked to the media and vouched for her. So overall this story is a minor issue, not a big deal..


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Look man it's good for China because it helps to slowly build up their team. The foreigners can guide and mentor the locals.

And good for the foreigners because it develops their career. They are not good enough to make it to the first division national team in their countries.

If you have a few foreigners around as mentors, it's win win for everyone.

Also being the star player helps to pad and inflate your goals and assists. Surrounded by equally strong players you tend to have fewer goals and assists. It's like how when LeBron is the only superstar on his team his numbers surge because he's the only focal point of offense.
If China's soccer imports can mentor the mens team, that would be great.


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Interestingly, the chief coach of the Chinese short track speed skating team is a Korean. One of the assistant coaches (技术教练) and a technician (器材师) are also Koreans.

The chief coach 金善台 was also chief coach of the Japanese national team from 2006 to 2010, and the chief coach of the Korean national team from 2014 to 2018. (He led the Korean team in the 2018 Winter Games in PyeongChang, Korea). During the periods of 2004-2006 and 2010-2014, he coached youth and teen Chinese athletes in Changchun, China.

In 2019, he started as an assistant to 王濛 who was the lead coach of the Chinese speed skating and short track speed teams. He then took the position of chief coach of the short track speed skating team in Oct, 2021:

The assistant coach 安贤洙 is a legend in short track speed skating. He won 3 gold medals for the Korea team in the 2006 Winter Games in Turin, Italy. 8 years later he won 3 gold medals for the Russian team in the 2014 Winter Games in Sochi, Russia. Yes he is now a Russian citizen also known as Viktor Ahn:

The speed skating team isn't the only one that has coaches from other countries. Among the Chinese delegates, 51 out of the total 78 coaches are foreigners from 19 countries such as the US, Russia, Korean, etc.:

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How come they cannot train more Chinese coaches after so many years?


Registered Member
How come they cannot train more Chinese coaches after so many years?
How many years do you think China has had this much of attention on winter sports? We are talking about the coaches at the Olympics level.

And you would need to have enough sport population to support this many coaches at the top level. 20 years ago, there were not that many venues and winter sport events in China. The participation was low, too.