2022 Olympic Winter Games Beijing


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According to your logic, I can also declare the opposite. She looks very arhletic

You need more than a head

Your point of view is like a banana (outside yellow, but inside is white)

It is not fair. It insulted who had followed a one-child policy. It hurts the fathers and moms who have lost their children. It makes a lot of deaths become useless.

Hypocrite. Continue to kneel before the bananas
Aren't you acting a little too butt hurt about this issue? You also sound like you're residing in the west who has maybe experienced less than ideal situation like some of us have experienced which is unfortunate. While I can empathize with your sentiment and in some capacity agree we can't become so narrow minded and nativist that we essentially disqualify everyone who's not "pure" Chinese and half or mix Chinese are to be excluded for some arbitrary/nationalist reasons. That would be a self-defeating idea and policy to pursuit.

We need not become or carry the chip of perpetual victim mentality because it will lead us to ruin and blaming our future failures unto others which means it will create a fissure within the diverse Chinese society that's not conducive to what I can only assume is for the betterment of China.

The athletes you found contemptible took personal, material risks and possible ridicule for themselves from their other half countries they have connections with. They also face tremendous struggle and questioning their loyalty and other issues that we are unaware of. You have to learn to balance your love of country, love of your ethnicity to get a balance views on pretty much anything. I hope you don't take my criticism and comments in such a bad way that you'll end up doubling down on your opinion.


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His view is of a confident person who can find a wife regardless of who else is present. I can; my wife routinely rejects people of all races who wanted to advance on her before (and after) we got married. I don't worry about foreigners being present because I know I can out-compete them. Those who talk like you know they can only succeed in a vaccuum and are uncompetitive. They want the government to do their dirty work by giving the women no choice but them.
Mega post, glad that you took the time to post that.
Should be an automatic read for anyone who has similar opinions like him.

Might surprise some but women are humans too who want the best for themselves. Would anyone want their daughter to "downgrade" on finding a partner in order to fulfill some guys' fantasies about having a "guaranteed" woman.


Registered Member
Logic of a banana, continues.

1. I don't feel they are despicable
2. They sacrifice? The truth is that they earn millions of dollars in China
3. Finally. Maybe you don't believe, there is no extremist ethnicism or a foreign chain here. Keeping the distance, it is not racist or against civilization, which is just a self-protection way.
There are a bazillion Chinese people and mix Chinese that are just as loyal, just as patriotic or nationalistic as you are bud. I am one of them. I am of mix parent but my hope and aspiration for China isn't less than yours I would care to argue. As for those athletes who earn millions aren't they getting what the market simply dictates? Would it soothe your anger if they're getting paid less than a full blooded Chinese person? And if that's the case would that engender a positive outcome for the country?

Your love of country is understandable and I applaud you for your zeal, but you can't look at this type of situation in a binary way, black or white because life isn't set up in that regard. And in this geopolitical contest China is having with the entire western bloc, China needs all the help it can get not less and yes that includes people that are of mix blood.


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I feel really bad for Eileen Gu.
She is being branded simultaneously as a ungrateful traitor, opportunist, and ignoramus.

This garbage article really ticked me off. I thought it would be interesting, but instead it was state department tripe.
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The criticism of Ms. Gu is just showing all the worst traits that western media claims to be striving to eliminate, sexism, racism, intolerance, ignorance. Why is she attracting so much extra attention? Simply because she is a smart, attractive, Chinese female at the top of her game. What a joke.

They compare her to Peng Shuhai, saying the government can disappear her at any moment if they are not happy with her. Ignoring the fact that Peng Shuhai is not disappeared and has made many public appearances. They also interview some talking head from "Freedom House" saying how she can't say anything about Uyghurs, Hong Kong, or Human rights etc. You know, why should she comment? If she thinks terrible abuses are happening, why would she represent China? If she doesn't think they are, then why would she want to attract even more negative western press? Any comment is a no-win for her, that is common sense.

Nina Schultz/Zheng and her Brother Ty, both are Canadians who are representing China. With all due respect to them as high level competitors, neither are attracting the kind of negative press that Gu does simply because they weren't/aren't gold medal contenders.

Freddie Freeman (Atlanta Braves 1B) an American who chose to represent Canada at World Baseball Classic despite never living a day in Canada. Why? He said being Canadian (never taking American citizenship) was very important to his mother who had passed away, so this it was a tribute to her. It was a touching gesture that no one questioned.


Registered Member
I feel really bad for Eileen Gu.
She is being branded simultaneously as a ungrateful traitor, opportunist, and ignoramus.

This garbage article really ticked me off. I thought it would be interesting, but instead it was state department tripe.
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The criticism of Ms. Gu is just showing all the worst traits that western media claims to be striving to eliminate, sexism, racism, intolerance, ignorance. Why is she attracting so much extra attention? Simply because she is a smart, attractive, Chinese female at the top of her game. What a joke.

They compare her to Peng Shuhai, saying the government can disappear her at any moment if they are not happy with her. Ignoring the fact that Peng Shuhai is not disappeared and has made many public appearances. They also interview some talking head from "Freedom House" saying how she can't say anything about Uyghurs, Hong Kong, or Human rights etc. You know, why should she comment? If she thinks terrible abuses are happening, why would she represent China? If she doesn't think they are, then why would she want to attract even more negative western press? Any comment is a no-win for her, that is common sense.

Nina Schultz/Zheng and her Brother Ty, both are Canadians who are representing China. With all due respect to them as high level competitors, neither are attracting the kind of negative press that Gu does simply because they weren't/aren't gold medal contenders.

Freddie Freeman (Atlanta Braves 1B) an American who chose to represent Canada at World Baseball Classic despite never living a day in Canada. Why? He said being Canadian (never taking American citizenship) was very important to his mother who had passed away, so this it was a tribute to her. It was a touching gesture that no one questioned.
LOL what do you expect from lowlives woke idiotic culture. They are all too busy eating and hating each other in America due to the covid-19 debate, Joe Rogan Spotify issue and a whole hosts of internal American contradictions that they're simply unable to solve themselves which in my opinion is hilarious and sad. They're frustrated that China is forging ahead despite the obstacles that the western bloc put up which shows China's and the Chinese people resiliency in coping with whatever challenges come their way. In short, to expect anything more from the Americans would be uncivilized. Lol


Registered Member
LOL what do you expect from lowlives woke idiotic culture. They are all too busy eating and hating each other in America due to the covid-19 debate, Joe Rogan Spotify issue and a whole hosts of internal American contradictions that they're simply unable to solve themselves which in my opinion is hilarious and sad. They're frustrated that China is forging ahead despite the obstacles that the western bloc put up which shows China's and the Chinese people resiliency in coping with whatever challenges come their way. In short, to expect anything more from the Americans would be uncivilized. Lol
As an example, check this unfortunate incident with yet again another cop being extra or excessive with another black person. In this case, a pregnant one at that. Read all the outrage comments piling on the obvious disparity of power and helplessness between the two Americas. They have been yakking about the racial injustice for bazillion times and has anything really change for the better? And imagine how this incident would have been blasted on all media if this happened in China? The level of deranged and nauseating drivel would be non stop and the hypocrites both the politicians and civilians would quickly try to forget their issues by pretending to care about China and Chinese people when we know it ain't about that.


That dumb ass law professor ought to get slap with this reality in her favorite country and confront her with a question of how she would handle, react, given the fact that this happened in the land of Freedom and Democracy? What recourse does this pregnant woman have now since she lost the baby not from the overzealous hospital management trying to prevent Covid-19 infection to protect the many but this black woman lost her child from violence at the hands of a police officer who swore to defend and protect the public of which she as an American and a human being was entitled to. Dumb professor needs to have her head examined.
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Registered Member
LOL what do you expect from lowlives woke idiotic culture. They are all too busy eating and hating each other in America due to the covid-19 debate, Joe Rogan Spotify issue and a whole hosts of internal American contradictions that they're simply unable to solve themselves which in my opinion is hilarious and sad. They're frustrated that China is forging ahead despite the obstacles that the western bloc put up which shows China's and the Chinese people resiliency in coping with whatever challenges come their way. In short, to expect anything more from the Americans would be uncivilized. Lol

Woke liberals' tolerance only goes as far as people who share all their same views.

"She's an ignorant teenager" and then... "she scored really high on her SAT..."
Is she stupid or is she smart?
"she has no freedom in China...", "she made the choice to represent China..."
She has choices, but she doesn't have choices...
They really did project all the western fascist-style criticisms onto her.