Aren't you acting a little too butt hurt about this issue? You also sound like you're residing in the west who has maybe experienced less than ideal situation like some of us have experienced which is unfortunate. While I can empathize with your sentiment and in some capacity agree we can't become so narrow minded and nativist that we essentially disqualify everyone who's not "pure" Chinese and half or mix Chinese are to be excluded for some arbitrary/nationalist reasons. That would be a self-defeating idea and policy to pursuit.According to your logic, I can also declare the opposite. She looks very arhletic
You need more than a head
Your point of view is like a banana (outside yellow, but inside is white)
It is not fair. It insulted who had followed a one-child policy. It hurts the fathers and moms who have lost their children. It makes a lot of deaths become useless.
Hypocrite. Continue to kneel before the bananas
We need not become or carry the chip of perpetual victim mentality because it will lead us to ruin and blaming our future failures unto others which means it will create a fissure within the diverse Chinese society that's not conducive to what I can only assume is for the betterment of China.
The athletes you found contemptible took personal, material risks and possible ridicule for themselves from their other half countries they have connections with. They also face tremendous struggle and questioning their loyalty and other issues that we are unaware of. You have to learn to balance your love of country, love of your ethnicity to get a balance views on pretty much anything. I hope you don't take my criticism and comments in such a bad way that you'll end up doubling down on your opinion.