2022 Olympic Winter Games Beijing


That's why China imports many male athletes from abroad. Provide accommodation, money, even women. Many foreign male athletes come to China, their wages are very high, they can easily flirt, sleep and marry beautiful girls in China and produce many mixed babies.

Certainly a lot of single Chinese men will be disappointed because of that, after a stage of a one-child policy and lack of women, now they have to compete with strong males from abroad. But, the government does not care. Soft power, sports and Olympic are higher than all

You're starting to sound like an incel.

There are hundreds of millions of women of marriage age in China, what difference is a few foreign athletes going to make?

Stop blaming the government for your insecurities.


According to your logic, I can also declare the opposite. She looks very arhletic
No, that's not logic to just say the opposite. He's right. A person of that height usually has a growth hormone defect and will have frail bones and be uneasy in their movement. In thier 50's it may become a medical challenge just to live and move normally.
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"When the condition is successfully treated, children with gigantism can have a normal life expectancy and avoid most of the complications caused by it. However, they may still have symptoms such as muscle weakness and restricted movement, and some may also have psychological problems.When the condition is successfully treated, children with gigantism can have a normal life expectancy and avoid most of the complications caused by it. However, they may still have symptoms such as muscle weakness and restricted movement, and some may also have psychological problems."
You need more than a head
Nonsense comment, at least in this context.
Your point of view is like a banana (outside yellow, but inside is white)
No, it's not. His view is of a confident person who can find a wife regardless of who else is present. I can; my wife routinely rejects people of all races who wanted to advance on her before (and after) we got married. I don't worry about foreigners being present because I know I can out-compete them. Those who talk like you know they can only succeed in a vaccuum and are uncompetitive. They want the government to do their dirty work by giving the women no choice but them.
To achieve economic miracles, become a superpower as the present. China had to sacrifice a lot.
OK, no problem there.
With one child policy, tens of millions of babies have permanently can not see sunlight, millions of mothers must fall tears, accept abortion, kill their children.
They have to follow the law and there are consequences for trying sneak a fast one.
And after how much of those sacrifices, until becoming the power, what will happen if China supports marriage with tens of millions of foreigners and opening the door, for immigrants to enter China.
There is no such thing as supporting this; they neither say they support it nor do they forbid it because that is how every modern and confident country behaves. What country says that interracial marriage is forbidden? How insecure does that sound?

Also, don't make stuff up; as of 2021, there are less then 1 million registered foreigners in China:
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So if you're feeling the pinch, statistically speaking, it's probably the other Chinese men crowding you.
It is a betrayal, insulting countless fathers, mothers and families in China, who have followed a one-child policy.
How? By having a normal immigration policy? If people didn't illegally abort daughters, China's population would be balanced. The government never told them to do that; the government forbade it and they did so illegally.
Some generations of Chinese people grow trees, and finally let foreigners pick fruit
Girls have the right to choose a partner, right? Women are not fruit; they are people. My wife and I chose each other amongst all the other people in the world. I don't know about you, but as a Chinese man, I don't want to marry a woman who only chose me because she could not find a foreigner.
Imagine what happens if the government said: "We killed your children with a one-child policy, and then open the door to accept foreigners."
Why would I imagine such a weird thing? The government actually said, "Due to the constraints of being a poor nation, we had to limit the population so we don't end up like India. People need to follow the laws. Unrelatedly, we will have a normal immigration policy."
It is not fair. It insulted who had followed a one-child policy.
I'm an only child; I got married to a Chinese woman. I don't feel insulted and neither do my parents. Don't understand what happened to you.
It hurts the fathers and moms who have lost their children.
That has nothing to do with immigration. They were not allowed to break the law and go against the One Child Policy.
It makes a lot of deaths become useless.
What's a useful death? War hero?
Hypocrite. Continue to kneel before the bananas
No, we have the confidence to out-compete bananas or foreigners or whatever. You sound like an angry guy with an empty fruit basket cursing the weather and the trees and the birds but the real problem is that you're just too short to pick the fruits you want.
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India boycotts the Beijing Winter Olympics. Only back in November, India was still supporting it. Reason for the boycott: Qi Fabao, the Galwan Valley hero was among the torchbearers for the torch relay. I'm not one but surprised.

India said Thursday it would join the
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of Beijing’s Winter
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after China included a soldier who was involved in a deadly
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with Indian troops in the torch relay ahead of the Opening Ceremonies

Some would argue that China, selecting Qi Fabao to be a torch nearer is insensitive to India. I would agree, but I still fully support this move. India has no problems doing sensitive things to China. Like supporting Tibetan separatism, and marching troops to the border when China was fighting the Wuhan Covid-19 outbreak.

India's diplomatic absence will not be missed. In fact, it'll be doing China a favour. We don't know how well they will be screened for Covid-19 in India.

If India was so convinced that it had won the Battle of Galwan Valley. Why is it so sensitive to seeing a soldier torchbearer from the 'losing side'?


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India boycotts the Beijing Winter Olympics. Only back in November, India was still supporting it. Reason for the boycott: Qi Fabao, the Galwan Valley hero was among the torchbearers for the torch relay. I'm not one but surprised.

Some would argue that China, selecting Qi Fabao to be a torch nearer is insensitive to India. I would agree, but I still fully support this move. India has no problems doing sensitive things to China. Like supporting Tibetan separatism, and marching troops to the border when China was fighting the Wuhan Covid-19 outbreak.

India's diplomatic absence will not be missed. In fact, it'll be doing China a favour. We don't know how well they will be screened for Covid-19 in India.

If India was so convinced that it had won the Battle of Galwan Valley. Why is it so sensitive to seeing a soldier torchbearer from the 'losing side'?
Why don't China invite some of the Indian soldiers who ran away from the fight (and peeed in their pants) to become torchbearers?

Would be amusing to see how India responds to THAT


Here is the text of China's Citizenship Law
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It all depends on whether Gu's mother was an U.S. resident at the time of Gu's birth. If she wasn't then Gu automatically became a Chinese citizen at birth. Since China does not recognize dual citizenship she has never been an American citizen under Chinese law.

Losing hukou and losing citizenship are completely different. Chinese citizens who settled aboard for a prolonged period of time could lose their hukou but not their Chinese citizenship. The only way a person can involuntarily loses their Chinese citizenship is when they obtain foreign citizenship through naturalization.

Not sure if you're providing more information or arguing with me on the core issue here: Gu is unlikely to have dual-citizenship _now_.

It appears that you're saying that since Gu is considered a Chinese citizen since birth by China's nationality law (this is not something I agree or disagree since it's not the core issue), China can continue to treat her as Chinese citizen and doesn't care if she actually applied or continues to be US citizen at the same time. In another word, Gu can still be effectively a dual citizen of both China and the US right at this moment.

If this is what you are saying, let me just say for the nth time: It's impossible. Because she was born in the US and has lived in the US since, it must have been assumed that she was an American citizen and had been holding a US passport. China would need proof that Gu had renounced her US citizenship before issuing her a Chinese passport. Or if she had always held a Chinese passport (unlikely based on the news report) since birth but still applied the US passport, that would violate Chinese law. This would be the only chance that she holds dual-citizenship now: illegally _and_ lied to the Chinese authority. The key here is that Chinese authority needs proof that she renounced her US citizenship and not just pretends she did.

So far, our discussions have been limited to law and logic, with examples of known public figures. I have given people examples of 杨振宁 and 华天。Yet people appear to still trying to grasp that slim chance that maybe, just maybe, China pretends that Gu was not holding a US passport. As I said, it defies logic, law and practice. In fact, there are also plenty of real world examples that people directly know or experience, let's leave it like that.


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Final. And some foreign athletes represent 1.4 billion people, representing a superpower, representing a country with 5000 years of culture and history.

Bananas don't care about that. Because of culture, history, ethnicity, race, country ... don't make sense to them. What's the difference? Nothing different.

"China's men's hockey squad has with a 25-man roster that includes just six homegrown nationals, the remaining players coming from Canada (11), United States (7) and Russia (1)."

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Foreign athletes representing China is not a crime. This is a very common thing in sports.

There are various foreign players who represented European countries in sports. Examples: Amauri, born a Brazilian, played for the Italian football team. Diego Costa, born a Brazilian, played for the Spanish football team. Lukas Podolski, born in Poland, played for the German national football team.

There are a number of Chinese-born athletes who played for foreign countries. Particularly in Table Tennis, and Badminton. Its not wrong for China to do the same. Don't let the China haters fool you.

If Canadians, Americans, and Russians want to play for the Chinese Ice Hockey team. They should be welcomed. I am actually glad that foreign athletes would take the political risks to represent China. Especially Canadians and Americans. They may not be the best from their home countries, but if they can give China a better winning chance, then good.

If China is not happy about this situation. Then work harder to improve local athletes. Learn from the foreign athletes who have come to represent China.