2022 Olympic Winter Games Beijing


What does that mean?
I think it means he won with his first 2 runs as their combined score had already beaten anyone else (it's best 2 out of 3 scores that count) so he had one freebie to do whatever he wanted with. He didn't need a third score; 0 would be fine because he needs to drop his lowest score anyway. Basically, my fat tropical papaya milkshake guzzling ass could have done his last run for him and he would have still won.


Senior Member
What's up with Su's 3rd score? Did he not even try or something?
2 best scores out of 3. Basically he was the last one out in the final round and he knew he won the gold already. Could have skipped it entirely but he just did an exhibition jump sort of.

I was hoping he tried doing his guinness world record breaking 1980 jump just for kicks lol. But I think safety first.

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