I am almost certain that this is JL2.
This is likleythe JL-2 -
I am almost certain that this is JL2.
I think this confirms the mini-rotorcraft is in service...
WTF what could be the point of this?Wouldn’t it be risky to ride it?
Looks like something from a Ghibli movie. I can’t decide whether it is cool or stupid
If you want to avoid risks, then don’t join the military. Find a desk job firmly on the first floor close to the exit. Those who sign up for the Chinese special forces will have no problem riding this.
Riding it is no problem. Getting shot at while doing it is the problem.
It could be a good idea if they are only going to use them where they have air superiority. Gives the soldiers a lot of mobility over friendly territory.
Performing a role in modern warfare similar to what bicycle troops did in WW1?
That's typical for this TYLER ROGOWAY person. I have seen some of his dump, same tone, same smell.
WTF what could be the point of this?Wouldn’t it be risky to ride it?
Looks like something from a Ghibli movie. I can’t decide whether it is cool or stupid
This looks like something that would be very easy to break down in to components and pack away for reassembly later. This would be ideal for stealthily getting an air assault element in place close to a target. You could use everything from cars, to trucks, to trains, to submarines.
I like it.