2019 National Day Military Parade

now noticed the tweet
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90000 civils et militaires ont participé cette nuit à la répétition du défilé, qui aura lieu le 1er Octobre cette année pour célébrer le 70e anniversaire de la République populaire de Chine.
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90000 civilians and soldiers participated last night in the rehearsal of the parade, which will take place on October 1 this year to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the People's Republic of China.
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Rehearsal for the upcoming parade...





the most recent, and quite interesting, tweets
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Ce qui pourrait être le nouveau "Missile de croisière supersonique longue portée volant dans le Near Space" (临近空间超声速远程巡航导弹), est aussi arrivé ce soir à Pékin.
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Vivement le 1er Octobre où la China devrait dévoiler plusieurs de ses nouvelles armes, aussi bien le drone de reconnaissance supersonique (que j’ai pu étudier à plusieurs reprises dès 2016), le missile au planeur hypersonique, au moins 2 types de nouvel ICBM...etc. A confirmer.
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It feels like the parade this year will be a greater surprise than the DF21D/26 reveal in 2015. What I see already include the following:
High supersonic/hypersonic weapon (unsure of its speed)
stealthed UCAV
supersonic UAV
road mobile ICBM with range to cover every major country

I guess these were not as surprising as announcing the anti-ship role of DF26, but a lot of these projects went from vague images and rumors to suddenly in service or about to be in service. Hell, we do not even know the designations for most of them.


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here's what Rogoway had to say
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China appears set to unveil very high-speed drone during big military parade in Beijing:
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That part about the D-21 must be a belated April fools joke right?

The D-21 looks about as similar to the PLAAF hypersonic drone as a Mig-21 looks like a F-22!

I swear they’re trying to take credit for everything! If you shit on the street, I bet US news publications would run up, stand in it, and claim it was Lockheed’s dump.