2019 India-Pakistani border clash

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Neutral Zone

Junior Member
If China really wanted to pressure India into backing down it would move PLAAF strike assets into Tibet and possibly Myanmar. PLAN simply hasn’t yet developed the operational experience to operate the Liaoning in a power projection role that far from home. And as others have said it will only become involved if the situation becomes extreme and we’re a long way from that. Whatever the circumstances that led to the shoot down were it’s clear Pakistan was acting in self defence, if India escalates then it’s the aggressor and there’ll be few other countries lining up to help it. That’s why I think this will now just fizzle out.


Registered Member
It seems as though the indians didn't think this so-called "strike" ... through. Bottom-line is that this strike could or still may translate into a full blown war. If that ever occurs (God forbid), then we have the makings of a trigger point for a potentially lethal World War - lll. I can say with clear certainty that Pakistan doesn't want war, given that it has a comprehensive plan for expanding its economic growth via CPEC and has for the first time in decades, a fully democratic, responsible and accountable government in place. China doesn't want war either, with its BRI expansion, globally. Even india, with its belligerence, doesn't seek war as it's economy has everything to lose when compared to Pakistan. However, America is a different story. With its failing economy, it's constant state of war in one country or another and it's theft of other country's state-assets. They American government has been pushing for war with Russia for quite some time now. If it weren't for restraint on the part of the Russian Federation, we would have already witnessed World War - lll turn this planet into a dust bowl. So does Britain, who seems to get all huffy puffy when America and the Russian Federation lock horns. With its circus brexit commotion, and it's economy teetering on exit from the European Union. They too want war, albeit in a scenario where the "West" defeats the "East" and becomes the only standing hegemony to rule the world. Then of course there is the lap-dog of America & Britain, A.K.A Saudi regime, which seems to have a rather unhealthy fixation/obsession with the destruction of Iran. It's unhealthy because the Saudi regime and it's elite class, fund groups in foreign countries, to spread their Wahhabi agenda. And this is what Pakistan MUST watch out for. For I can understand that Pakistan needs the Saudi money, but make sure that you're the one who kicks the Saudis to the curb, not the other way round. Because if Pakistan's leadership thinks otherwise, then just remember who funds these JeM and LeT groups that seem to be a parasitic nuisance residing in Pakistan.

I don't see America as a potential participant. Even less UK.

If China steps in hard, the war will be relatively clean. India only has the slow Barak 8 for air defense along with antique SA-3s. They are wholly incapable of winning the air war or the naval war. Without air or naval support, an invasion into Pakistan becomes impossible. With India on the defensive, the war can be quickly ended with unilateral ceasefire like in 1962.

It should not be more costly than the Gulf war. Maybe much less so because China doesn't have to invade Indian cities. Like Gulf war, the operation would act as a deterrent to foreign adventurism, in particular third world nations looking to cheat China in deals (coincidentally, India is guilty of this through backroom deals with Japan). We are looking at maybe dozens to low hundreds casualties on allied side and low thousands to low tens of thousands on Indian side, depending on how persistent they are about advancing through hostile air cover, or even just a few hundred if India recognizes the futility of trying to force themselves through. Nearly all casualties will be soldiers

The alternative is that Pakistan and India engages in bloody struggle, India overruns the border, Pak uses tactical nukes on advancing Indians and then maybe strategic nuclear exchange. That means millions of casualties on both sides, many of whom will be civilians.

Of course, the best outcome would be no war at all.


Lieutenant General
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Guys... either you stick to the topic or leave it simply!

Off topic posts like speculations on PLAAF involvements in a future war, the lack of DDGs in the IN or even if the Liaoning will take part are off.

Stop this and remain limited to this latest clash, therwise I'll close this thread.


I am late to this discussion, but to be honest I am not a fan of "Indo-Pak" short-hand as used in the title for a serious matter such as this. The nations involved in this dispute are India and Pakistan.

Thanks to all who have posted news, commentary and analysis without nationalist fervour.

asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
Now look at Pakistan and our leader imran Khan

Indian used the same old excuse that western countries use “terror camps” to justify its attack on Pakistan, how dare they

Pakistan is a sovereign country and not a Middle Eastern soft target it prides itself on its Air Force and armed forces in general

Pakistan took the attack and responded in my opinion too lightly but never the less taught India a good lesson

Then this is where Pakistan showed its true colours the pilots were treated with full RESPECT given tea and not tortured like India does

True mercy and professionalism shown

Then we handed him back with our heads very high

This shows be our friend and don’t attack

But if you do we are game and we will take you down

For India a humiliation is enough for the next 15 generations

Today Pakistan’s efforts paid off and all that training and hard work has given fruits

I just wonder what was going through the IAF in those first minutes when they found out the Pakistani Air Force got the jump on two of thier jets

A master class performance live long you lions

Congrats to all Pakistanis

Imran Khan a captains innings
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From the Indian side,

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Indian media supposedly showed pieces of AIM-120C5, but the serials belong to Taiwan? :eek: -
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Very very strange. Neither Pakistan or India recognizes ROC.

No idea why they would pick that serial if they wanted to fake it though. Might as well fake an American serial? America could cover for them in that case, say that it was originally US then passed to Pak. Out of all serials they chose a Republic of China one?
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