Is that picture of a crash site with an obvious 2-engine fighter not enough? Or the reports of two parachutes?
Pakistan has a reason to avoid talking, they had a pilot in military hospital, he probably passed away. They don’t want India to accuse them of killing him or deal with the escalation of killing an Indian citizen. India doesn’t want to talk either to avoid embarrassment.
Could you repost that photo? Honestly not a single one looks like it shows a two engined fighter. And some photos were from other events in the past. I couldn't load the image in the one you suggested is a two engined fighter.
The wreck images that I've seen that were not Mi-17 were all of a Mig-21. It is easily identifiable by the airbrakes protrusions.
After reading Indian forums and looking at what they've presented as evidence (outside of the usual media murkiness and posturing), it does seem to suggest Pakistan shot down a single Mig-21 inside Pakistani territory and possibly another Mig-21 which ended up inside Indian territory. Mi-17 Indians claim as just a technical fault and Pakistan has not claimed shooting that one down. No Su-30MKI or any Su-30 or Mig-29 by either side and no evidence to suggest such speculations for now either. It could have happened owing to the claims that the captured pilot looks like someone in a past Su-30MKI documentary. This is total hearsay and I've looked at the clip and that guy could easily have been someone else. Another thing that goes towards lending credence to MKI claims is the fact that Indian sources have previously claimed that MKIs were conducting some patrol missions around the area and it would also make sense for them to escort other fighters, particularly outdated ones.
Of course China and every other nation with capable satellites know what really happened. So the guys who matter know what's what. All us little people are left with are imagination, ego, and speculation. The only thing I find interesting about this whole thing now is the discrepancy between Pakistani claim that no F-16s were used and no F-16 shot down and India's claim that one F-16 was shot down inside Pakistani held territory. Pakistan is completely denying this and India is denying any MKI being shot down. Seems like both sides are all about preserving face for their voters. We can expect zero truth from either party. Ironically Communist controlled Chinese media have in my experience always reported factually. They only avoid talking about certain things completely but every single media does this and western media is the king of avoiding certain conversations.
My theory is Pakistan is saying JF-17 shot down two fighters even if no JF-17 was used in that engagement. This is done just for obvious reasons and also to deny any use of F-16 in questionable "defense" since the US only allows PAF F-16s to be used purely defensively. Then again JF-17 could definitely have been used while all F-16s were in hangars. It's just not smart to trust guys who have obvious conflict of interest in telling the truth.