Rumor time any validity to this news via JSch
Sina Military
March 26 at 15:02 From Weibo,
Recently, when CCTV introduced the subject of future non-nuclear-powered domestic aircraft carriers that will use electromagnetic catapult systems, it suddenly change subject and declared a good news from the Chinese Navy: The Chinese Navy has already received a new type of nuclear submarine. The development of this boat lasted for five years. It adopts shaftless pumpjet and is more advance than today's mainstream pumpjet propellers.
It is not a new rumor. It is the same rumor that has been posted in 093/094 thread last November. Here is the post that started it.
The sina weibo video that you linked is this one from CCTV4 2017-11-18. It talked about rim drive on the new sub at 8:36
Yes, CCTV4 program said PLAN has received new sub with rim drive.
Other members here argue that CCTV4 program is not to be treated equally credible as CCTV1 and CCTV13's news program, especially the 30mins news program from 19:00 every evening. Those two programs are official (equal to PLAN speaking). But any other programs run by CCTV may or may not be credible as they are commercial rather than political and governmental. That is what my life-long experience tells me. Not wanting to brag, but I grow up in an environment where parents attend internal briefing according to ranks, I learnt from childhood by reading People's daily, Xianhua Editorial, Red Flag Magazines publicans and China Central People's Broadcast Station and CCTV. I know what I can count on as official.
I am not refuting CCTV4 claim as false. I am trying to say that, if it is from CCTV1 19:00 30min program, it is 100% true (at least to me). Otherwise, there is always a chance that it is as much reliable (or unreliable) as a talk show.
Again, the new rumor from the March 26th weibo is nothing new but a rehash. The author probably went to Mars, (a common Chinese netizen term, 火星了).