You are dense or what The generator shown in bare When in actual use they will put it on acoustic shroud that will enveloped the whole generator and turbine assembly
The whole thing will put on the raft that isolate any vibration using feed back loop control
Vibration is not a function of generator frequency but of the generator speed Motor frequency has nothing to do with vibration I make a living doing vibration control so I know what I am talking about instead of you amateur with your mumbo jumbo frequency
There is always imperfection in machining moving part that will create imbalance because it rotate at high speed of 3600 rpm. Add to that imperfection in bearing and even minute run out will create vibration So your machining and fabrication must be top notch with high precision and super low tolerance But even that is not enough They make provision for that
So you design your supporting structure to be stiff and you can calculate those structure stiffness
I don't know what are you talking about frequency there is converter that will convert the out put of the generator to any frequency that you want using combination of rectifier and inverter You also can change the speed of the generator to suit that is why you have control valve on the Turbine genius!