Lieutenant General
Because they purposefully eliminated fro mteh spectrum the peaks. The commercial ships has a peak vibration frequency at (surprise, surprise ) 50 Hz .
Let say by other ways ( I hope it is easy )
The 50 HZ generator makes 50 HZ noise.
400 Hz generator makes 400 Hz noise.
1000 Hz generator makes 1000 Hz noise.
Do you understand up to this point?
If you put together the above with the frequencies / attenuation that I calculated, then for a 50 Hz generator you need bigger and more complex vibration suppression than for a 1000 Hz. (later practically doesn't need any )
No, to make 20 MWe you need
64 tons of 50 MHz generator
8 tons of 400 Hz generator
3.2 tons of 1000 Hz generator.
Do you understand the mass-rpm(frequency )ratio of the generators?
It is within the high school knowledge.
3.2 tons of generator is half cubic meter, 8 tons is one cubic meter.
The generator on the pictures way bigger than this.
So, 50 HZ generator is very big, requiring complex noise suppression, 1000 Hz is very small, and doesn't need any noise suppression. Interesting ?
BS! you don't know a thing about submarine noise! SEE the sonar screen those bar
Another thing this graph show is that submarine never run at the highest speed because it exacerbate the noise level and defeat the stealth character of submarine
The discrete components are the most visible signs of the submarines' SL spectrum since they are detected even at low speeds, when submarines produce minimal noise. Moreover, the aggregate of the discrete components of the noise spectrum (the so called "acoustic portrait") which is unique for each submarine, may be used to identify the source.
Discrete lines in the 0.1-10 Hz band are caused by rotation of the propellers. This noise is difficult to suppress. Moreover, the noise from the propeller may be heard in the ocean at a distance of up to several thousand kilometers since absorption by ocean waters at this low frequency is negligible. The method of narrow-band filtration of the spectrum's discrete line at frequencies up to several Hz is the basic working principle for sonar systems for long-distance detection.
Discrete lines in the frequency band of several Hz to several hundred Hertz is associated with vibrations from the submarine's hull and power plant equipment. The most characteristic line in the SL spectrum is the peak at frequencies of 50 and 60 Hz for Russian and American submarines respectively, i.e., the lines which correspond to the basic frequencies of the submarines electric generators. The SL spectrum of first generation SSNs contained discrete lines at frequencies, which are multiples of 50 and 60 Hz, or in other words, harmonics of the basic frequencies. Specialists claim to have successfully registered up to 5 harmonics of basic frequencies. The spectrums of modern fourth generation submarines, those built at the end of the 1980's, do not contain discrete lines at frequencies greater than 100 Hz. This is justified to a lesser degree when the speed is less than 8 knots .

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