Back to the point, I am more curious about the central part of unfinished hull, could it be VLS waiting to be installed there or shield against nuclear core?
The most interesting parts of this image is definitely the central part of the hull behind the sail which has a cover over it, but also the propeller.
The cover over the hull is the same location as where the cover on hull 1 in 2022 was, and of course we still don't know if it may be for VLS or something else less interesting.
However on this satellite image it does appear quite a bit clearer than the satellite pic of hull 1 last year, and the propeller looks to me like it isn't "covered" like on hull 1, and instead it looks consistent with a pumpjet in terms of relative size and geometry, and based on the clearer image I'm willing to throw it out there as a possibility.
If we compare the satellite pic of hull 2 with hull 1, we can note the poorer quality image for hull 1 and also how the cover over the propulsor is covered without a distinct geometry.