I have been listening to Australian news on this and they are pretty convinced that there was a submarine there but they just couldn’t get close enough to be sure about it.
either someone in defense department knows for sure and doesn’t want to say or a likely 093A was quiet enough that it couldn’t be tracked or nothing was there.
A few notes:
Defence per their normal guidelines on this does not comment on the presence of foreign submarines they are aware of, at least for the duration of an event (the PLAN cruise is ongoing). They also do not comment on own (or partnered) submarines for the same reasons.
In Estimates (a public hearing discussing unclassified information) RAN leadership, when asked, said "We do not know whether or not a submarine is part of the group.". Considering Estimates still expects officials to answer truthfully/to best knowledge (yes there are technically consequences if they do not), if someone in the department "knows for sure" that a Chinese submarine was present, the most appropriate answer would be "I cannot comment on operations/classified information" or similar phrasing. This answer was used repeatedly in the past on known (by Defence) facts outside of Estimates clearance. It wasnt used in this case.
Personally my impression or deduction is they are truthfully unsure, but that possiblity also very much includes that they assess with high confidence that no Chinese submarine is in the area.
What Australian media thinks on the matter is not really of any bearing. They would not be told by relevant sources, even as some sort of politicial leak. Its far too sensitive information.