09III/09IV (093/094) Nuclear Submarine Thread


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No, they don't build nuclear submarine in Wuchang. If they claim its a conventional submarine it might be more believable.

Also, typical Western media bias:
  • Some unclear incident on SSK shipyard = "China's Nuclear submarine ambition suffers setback."
  • China launched 7 SSN under two years = "Crickets"
Meanwhile superpower india crashed double digit aircraft just this year and lost a frigate. But nothing said of it.


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They moved on from hotpots heated by rocket fuel then? Or they just couldn't get any rocket fuel on the sub?

Nuclear fuel is much longer lasting and doesn’t smell as bad.

My contact from Shanghai said that the radioactivity from the fissile material leak was terrible but no one was able to detect anything wrong in the East China Sea due to interference from radioactive water runoff from Fukushima.


Is this true?
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Here is the WSJ article.

China’s Newest Nuclear Submarine Sank, Setting Back Its Military Modernization​

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And a preview in MSN.

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The incident has been discussed before here. Nothing new is reported.

Full text is
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for those interested.

Frankly, it's a bunch of nonsense. It's well attested that China has only one yard (at Huludou) that builds nuclear subs. Wuhan builds diesel electric subs only. So far, the only 'evidence' proffered is some tweets from Shugart that contained satellite images of alleged crane barges congregating at a pier. However, crane barges are very similar to dredging barges in appearance and would be practically indistinguishable in grainy satellite images (see photos below). Both barge types feature large cranes, the difference being that a dredging barge's crane is connected to a bucket used to remove sediments from the riverbed. Laughably, Shugart thinks he saw a black shape in one of the images and speculates that it's a sunken submarine, but that shape is clearly a grainy, elongated shadow cast by one of the cranes. Now the Wall Street Journal has picked up on Shugart's crackpot theory, and somehow a possible sunken diesel sub became a proven sunken nuclear sub. A truly imbecilic series of events, all stemming from what likely had been a simple dredging operation.

The first two photos below are dredging barges. The last two are crane barges.




One more thing, in one of the tweets Shugart pointed to
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to imply that something unusual is going on. The boom is nothing unusual during a dredging operation when heavy diesel powered machineries are involved. Booms are regularly deployed as a precautionary measure, as seen in the below photo of a dredging operation.



Lieutenant General
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Is there any chance that they actually contacted someone with access to better info and a submarine did have an accident and that submarine is the mini nuke that we've been talking about?

I didn't look at this issue at all when this first happened. So just thinking out loud. If wsj actually did find a real DoD official that said this, it would certainly lend some credibility.


Staff member
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Is there any chance that they actually contacted someone with access to better info and a submarine did have an accident and that submarine is the mini nuke that we've been talking about?

I didn't look at this issue at all when this first happened. So just thinking out loud. If wsj actually did find a real DoD official that said this, it would certainly lend some credibility.

After the infamous water in ballistic missile, using rocket fuel for hot pot, nuclear sub sinking in Yellow Sea and/or Taiwan Strait, and no fire extinguisher or water proof doors on Chinese destroyers rumors being pushed by MSM and Western defense journos, remind us why we need to take their claims seriously? The burden of proof lies with them.


Registered Member
Is there any chance that they actually contacted someone with access to better info and a submarine did have an accident and that submarine is the mini nuke that we've been talking about?

I didn't look at this issue at all when this first happened. So just thinking out loud. If wsj actually did find a real DoD official that said this, it would certainly lend some credibility.
IMO, the biggest problem with this line of thinking
- There is no official assurance that the mini nuke exists which means
- Confirming this story could blow someone's cover
This is the most sensitive program in the Chinese military, not something an open secret like WS-15 or J-31/35, so if you have an insider, letting the WSJ just leak this would be beyond terrible OpSec


Junior Member
Is there any chance that they actually contacted someone with access to better info and a submarine did have an accident and that submarine is the mini nuke that we've been talking about?

I didn't look at this issue at all when this first happened. So just thinking out loud. If wsj actually did find a real DoD official that said this, it would certainly lend some credibility.
all part of the new 1.6 billion initiative.