For comparison, the US launched ~2.8 Los Angeles SSNs per year between 1974 & 1995, and ~1.2 Virginia SSNs per year between 2003 & now. The US also launched ~1 Ohio SSBN per year between 1979 & 4-5 units annually will be easy task in near future.
(I didn't include the Seawolf SSNs because there are just too few of them to effect.)
Sum up the SSN + SSBN launch rates from above, we get ~4 boats per year during the Cold War, and ~1-2 boats per year thereafter.
Though, the US plans for the launch rate of newer Virginias to reach 2 per year ASAP, I'd say the launch rate should be updated to 3 boats per year for Virginia + Columbia.
Therefore, I believe that China should aim for ~twice (i.e. ~6-7 boats per year) the rate of the US' SSN + SSBN procurement going forward - Both in order to rapidly catch up in quantitative terms (to the US + UK + Australia), and to form a formidable and credible underwater (mainly) conventional and nuclear deterrence for China.
(Note: Here, the "rate of 6-7 boats per year" refers to the sum of SSN + SSBN + "mini-nuke" for the PLAN.
Considering that "mini-nukes" are generally expected to be smaller and less complex than typical SSNs, therefore I do expect them to be built in equal numbers to, if not in greater numbers than the SSNs.
Hence, 0-1 SSBN per year + 2-3 SSNs per year + 2-4 "mini-nukes" per year should do, IMHO.)
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