09III/09IV (093/094) Nuclear Submarine Thread


Registered Member
The 096 production facility might be just starting to tool up and set up. So it's many years away from even being built. Hopefully they design will have benefited from recent advancements/breakthroughs and it will not simply be the same league as Ohio, Borei, Vanguard since the 096 would have been mostly designed after 2010 and finalised recently while those subs were designed in the 1990s (with the available tech and computing of that era). I guess it all depends on how good the propulsion is.

The PLAN might be innovating and refining new technologies with each new 093 and 094 sub. Its not likely that all the members of the class have the same sound signature and level. The newer members are going to be more quiet than the preceding member and the original member of the class. We might be psychologically underestimating how quiet and improved the newer subs are due to the underwhelming reputation of the original members.


Registered Member
The PLAN might be innovating and refining new technologies with each new 093 and 094 sub. Its not likely that all the members of the class have the same sound signature and level. The newer members are going to be more quiet than the preceding member and the original member of the class. We might be psychologically underestimating how quiet and improved the newer subs are due to the underwhelming reputation of the original members.

That's definitely true and observably so. Even outward changes are not insubstantial. These are all serial/custom produced on a one off basis.

They're obviously refining as they go along and updating the design where possible with newer technologies and equipment.

Makes you wonder if the first set of 093 and 094's nuclear propulsion systems are near identical to what we have now on the latest 093 and 094 builds.

They're still a generation behind the 1990s designed 2000s service SSN and SSBN in the USN.

I would hope (and think) that the 095 and 096 are not attempts to produce capability and technology equivalents of Virginia and Ohio class but a step above... since 095 and 096 were designed nearly 2 decades after those boats with all the advancements in every field. China's overall tech ability (in every domain) in 2010 to 2020 period is certainly well above the US equivalents in 1990 to 2000. Especially in comms and computing. The only unknown when it comes to technologies involved with submarines and their production, would be the nuclear propulsion system. That may lag 20 years or more possibly. While it's unlikely to be that far behind, who knows.


Registered Member
That's definitely true and observably so. Even outward changes are not insubstantial. These are all serial/custom produced on a one off basis.

They're obviously refining as they go along and updating the design where possible with newer technologies and equipment.

Makes you wonder if the first set of 093 and 094's nuclear propulsion systems are near identical to what we have now on the latest 093 and 094 builds.

They're still a generation behind the 1990s designed 2000s service SSN and SSBN in the USN.

I would hope (and think) that the 095 and 096 are not attempts to produce capability and technology equivalents of Virginia and Ohio class but a step above... since 095 and 096 were designed nearly 2 decades after those boats with all the advancements in every field. China's overall tech ability (in every domain) in 2010 to 2020 period is certainly well above the US equivalents in 1990 to 2000. Especially in comms and computing. The only unknown when it comes to technologies involved with submarines and their production, would be the nuclear propulsion system. That may lag 20 years or more possibly. While it's unlikely to be that far behind, who knows.

The reason for persisting in the usage of older systems may not be because of the lack of technology, but because of institutional momentum. There is no lack of nuclear technology in China, with the country forging ahead with new generations of PWR and other nuclear reactor types for its power grid. It maybe because the PLAN brass is well satisfied with the current reliability and performance of the 093 and 094 power systems, knowing that it took a long road to get there. You can find examples of institutional momentum with other armed forces.

I suspect the 093/094 power plant and propulsion is not strong enough for a pump jet. While pump jet cavitates less at high RPM, it is less efficient or so they say, and its a reason why diesel electrics and AIP subs don't use that. Having mentioned that, diesel electrics are still so quiet, so a pump jet may not be a necessary feature. Still, we have no way of seeing, confirming either yes or no, that the later 093 and 094 models do or do not have a pump jet.

What I do think, is that the leap from the original 093, to the humped 093A, there is a significant leap in the quality of the sensors, and that PLAN subs are not behind when it comes to sensor or sonar technology, given the electronics and software development of their industry.

The external changes we see on the subs could be enhancing the hydrodynamics of the submarines, so not only they can be running faster or use less power for any given amount of power, but the improved hydrodynamics are reducing the flow noise around the submarines. Particular areas of flow noise around the submarine tends to be around the corners, such as the root and top corner of the sail, and the pattern, shape, and number of drainage holes. We see significant changes in those areas.

Another important area is the design of the skewed propeller itself. Being so, a photograph of the propeller should be considered OPSEC. When it comes to noise, cavitation issues and all things like that, the propeller design is vital. Development of the propeller design can be subject to so many supercomputer simulations, another area where supercomputing plays in the national defense. Its logical for China to pursue supercomputer development, but its also logical for the US to throw roadblocks on it. That's how the game goes. The design of hte propeller can vary from one sister of the same class after another, as the designs are evolved and improved. Each sister, as a result of incremental and evolutionary improvements, will have a different sound signature from each other. If you're the potential adversary, you are going to have to track each sister and record each of their unique sound signatures.

Finally there is the attitude of the submarine arm itself. The PLAN submarine arm doesn't sound as aggressive as say, back in the 2000s and 2010 period, where they would track US carrier groups, and send a nuclear sub noisily and fast around Guam or something. Instead, they seem much more restrained in recent years. Perhaps the brass has clamped down on such actions, and replaced the theater with massed surface ship operations. In contrast, the Russian Navy's submarine arm is more aggressive than ever. Not too long ago, a good number of submarines, perhaps five to seven, breached the GIUK gap. The Russians didn't display such belligerence since the Cold War. Recently you got three Russian nuclear submarines surfacing through the ice in the Arctic. I am inclined to think that changes in the PLAN admiralship since Xi Jing Ping took over, were more surface warship and carrier oriented than their predecessors that were more submarine oriented, the sub faction heavily influenced from the Soviet wing, while the surface ship faction heavily influenced by the Western wing.


Senior Member
Registered Member
The reason for persisting in the usage of older systems may not be because of the lack of technology, but because of institutional momentum. There is no lack of nuclear technology in China, with the country forging ahead with new generations of PWR and other nuclear reactor types for its power grid. It maybe because the PLAN brass is well satisfied with the current reliability and performance of the 093 and 094 power systems, knowing that it took a long road to get there. You can find examples of institutional momentum with other armed forces.

I suspect the 093/094 power plant and propulsion is not strong enough for a pump jet. While pump jet cavitates less at high RPM, it is less efficient or so they say, and its a reason why diesel electrics and AIP subs don't use that. Having mentioned that, diesel electrics are still so quiet, so a pump jet may not be a necessary feature. Still, we have no way of seeing, confirming either yes or no, that the later 093 and 094 models do or do not have a pump jet.

What I do think, is that the leap from the original 093, to the humped 093A, there is a significant leap in the quality of the sensors, and that PLAN subs are not behind when it comes to sensor or sonar technology, given the electronics and software development of their industry.

The external changes we see on the subs could be enhancing the hydrodynamics of the submarines, so not only they can be running faster or use less power for any given amount of power, but the improved hydrodynamics are reducing the flow noise around the submarines. Particular areas of flow noise around the submarine tends to be around the corners, such as the root and top corner of the sail, and the pattern, shape, and number of drainage holes. We see significant changes in those areas.

Another important area is the design of the skewed propeller itself. Being so, a photograph of the propeller should be considered OPSEC. When it comes to noise, cavitation issues and all things like that, the propeller design is vital. Development of the propeller design can be subject to so many supercomputer simulations, another area where supercomputing plays in the national defense. Its logical for China to pursue supercomputer development, but its also logical for the US to throw roadblocks on it. That's how the game goes. The design of hte propeller can vary from one sister of the same class after another, as the designs are evolved and improved. Each sister, as a result of incremental and evolutionary improvements, will have a different sound signature from each other. If you're the potential adversary, you are going to have to track each sister and record each of their unique sound signatures.

Finally there is the attitude of the submarine arm itself. The PLAN submarine arm doesn't sound as aggressive as say, back in the 2000s and 2010 period, where they would track US carrier groups, and send a nuclear sub noisily and fast around Guam or something. Instead, they seem much more restrained in recent years. Perhaps the brass has clamped down on such actions, and replaced the theater with massed surface ship operations. In contrast, the Russian Navy's submarine arm is more aggressive than ever. Not too long ago, a good number of submarines, perhaps five to seven, breached the GIUK gap. The Russians didn't display such belligerence since the Cold War. Recently you got three Russian nuclear submarines surfacing through the ice in the Arctic. I am inclined to think that changes in the PLAN admiralship since Xi Jing Ping took over, were more surface warship and carrier oriented than their predecessors that were more submarine oriented, the sub faction heavily influenced from the Soviet wing, while the surface ship faction heavily influenced by the Western wing.
China's President is called Xi Jinping, not Xi Jing Ping.


Lieutenant General
I know people are allergic to Minnie Chan but over at SCMP new article said type 94 is now equipped with JL3 siting the new silo for SLBM. I know it was discussed in above post
Using average height of North Chinese man 1.75m The silos opening is look like 2.5 m-2.7 m. But of course the actual silo that house the missile is smaller but it is wider than JL2 2 m for sure

The Type 094A, or
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nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine (SSBN), was presented last Friday as part of the celebration to mark the
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. It was capable of firing the JL-3, or Julang (Big Wave) SLBM with a range over 10,000km (6,200 miles), a source close to the navy said.

“The Type 094A is an upgraded version of the Type 094 that overcame one of the key problems – noise – by improving hydrokinetic and turbulent systems, allowing it to carry the more powerful JL-3,” said the source, who requested anonymity because of the sensitivity of the subject.


Nevertheless, the concepts of North and South continue to play an important role in regional stereotypes. "Northerners" are seen as: Taller. According to the 2014 census, the average male height between the age of 20-24 was 173.4 cm in Beijing, 174.9 cm in Jilin province and 177.1 cm in Dalian.
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Look at who wrote that piece of WORK if you haven't notice or you haven't heard of the author