09III/09IV (093/094) Nuclear Submarine Thread


Lieutenant General
Via LKJ86


Senior Member
Are we looking at Akula I/Delta IV noise levels or something slightly noisier with latest 093/094 variants? I have really hard time to believe that new boats would be noisy as the first ones what were active before 2010.
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asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
has China got any plans for SSGN?

USN is going for 12 x Columbia SSBN plus up to 5 more modified Columbia class acting as SSGN

US will not give up on its ability to launch large number of missiles from submarines, a modified Ohio can carry 154 x Tomahawk missiles between the 4 thats over 600 missiles


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
I doubt it. Most modern attack submarines have some sort of capability to launch cruise missiles as it is. They will likely just add more VLS cells to the attack subs. Typically SSGNs are basically SSBNs modified to have loads of VLS cells. The submarine class you mentioned or the Oscar class are examples of that. For such a submarine to be considered I think China will have to increase its other nuclear submarine classes first. AFAIK the UK and France for example do not even have that class.


Registered Member
has China got any plans for SSGN?

USN is going for 12 x Columbia SSBN plus up to 5 more modified Columbia class acting as SSGN

US will not give up on its ability to launch large number of missiles from submarines, a modified Ohio can carry 154 x Tomahawk missiles between the 4 thats over 600 missiles

The PLAN doesn't actually need that much anti land firepower. What are they going to shoot at? Precision strike from other platforms would already be overkill vs military bases.

Most likely China will put most of it’s tech into SSKs until it can ensure freedom of navigation within the 2nd island chain, then it’s going to port tech to the SSN program to allow permanent presence in the Indian Ocean and beyond. SSBNs would be kept up to date but remain few unless major developments in nuclear weapons happen.


Lieutenant General
I actually think the PLAN might get into SSGNs in a fairly big way.

Firstly, basing one off the next gen SSBN would increase hull number and greatly decrease unit cost.

Secondly, the PLAN surface fleet is unlikely to be able to effectively challenge the USN outside the second island chain for maybe a generation.

A SSGN fleet would allow the PLAN to strike to US logistics and staging grounds from Hawaii all the way up to San Diego, and could also allow them to launch saturation missile strikes against USN surface fleets transiting towards the battlefronts near China.

That exponentially increases the defensive burden of the USN, meaning they need to leave significant assets to defend their home bases and/or try to hunt down PLAN SSGNs.

Sometimes the best defence is a good offence.